Atlas and Adelia shared a carriage while Arkin and Anne shared another together with Atlas' attendants.

The palace was filled with nobles. The sound of chattering was prominent. It was obvious that everyone was enjoying the banquet.

They made their entrance and Atlas and Adelia parted ways. This event was called a banquet, but the food prepared were barely touched. Adelia went to the refreshment table and took a glass of wine.

Anne was somewhere in the maids' waiting area and Arkin was following closely behind Adelia.

"You're not enjoying the banquet?" Arkin asked.

She didn't blame him for asking since novel Adelia loved this sort of gatherings, so, it was obvious that Arkin would question her lack of enthusiasm.

"It's not that I don't," she said, as she took a sip of wine. "It's just the banquet is not as interesting as I thought," she explained.

Arkin looked at her, surprised. The way she talked almost seemed like she'd never been to a banquet before. This was how a banquet always was, and Adelia would always enjoy the banquet. Well, up until when the first prince would ruin the banquet for her every time. She would be happy going to the banquet, enjoying herself, excited for when prince Chiron would arrive and spend the rest of the banquet with him, but every time, he would ignore and treat her callously.

"Here," Arkin heard Adelia said.

He looked to her extended hand. She was offering him the wine she was sipping from before.

Arkin shook his head.

"I'm working right now," he reminded her.

Adelia made a face that seemed to say 'so?'.

"I'm your employer," Adelia answered Arkin. "And I say it's fine," She announced.

Arkin looked at her and sighed before taking the glass of wine from her. Adelia gave him a smile.

"Now..." Adelia trailed off as she looked around at the refreshment table.

'Do they have vodka?'

After making her rounds, Adelia sighed.

"Figures.." she huffed.

Arkin had been following Adelia with his eyes the whole time.

"What are you looking for?"

Adelia pouted. "Nothing."

'It was clearly something,' Arkin thought.

"Announcing the arrival of his majesty the king, her majesty the queen, his highness the first prince and his highness the second prince."

Suddenly the herald started announcing the royal's arrival. In an instant everyone looked over towards the entrance. There, stood the royal family in their glory making their way to the throne.

"Ah.. the first prince is here..." Arkin muttered under his breath.

'Well, at least this time, she wasn't enjoying the party in the first place,' he thought and turned his gaze to Adelia.

Usually, she would be ogling at her dear prince Chiron. However, right now, Adelia was sitting in the corner, with a slight pout on her face and her arms crossed, not giving the prince or the royal family any attention.

Arkin tilted his head in confusion. When Adelia saw him, she made her way towards him and took the glass of wine from his hand.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she asked as she took a few sips of the wine before handing the glass of wine back to Arkin.

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