Chapter 12

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A smile so bright was plastered on Roselia's face. She was glowing. People surrounding her could feel the happiness radiating from her.

'This is the power of the heroine,' Adelia thought, staring at Roselia in amazement.

"Lady Roselia," Adelia said, a smile on her face. "What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Oh!" Roselia exclaimed. "I'm sorry for showing up without prior notice," she apologized. "I was in the area and decided to pay a visit. I hope I'm not intruding..." she said in a small voice.

Adelia sighed inwardly. "Not at all," she shook her head. "Come on in Lady Roselia," Adelia said and beckoned for Roselia to enter the mansion.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience," Roselia said timidly as she made her way instead, accompanied by her maid.

"Don't worry about it," Adelia assured her.

Roselia was led to the drawing room and was served tea and snacks. Adelia sat across from her.

"So you were in the area?" Adelia asked Roselia.

Roselia nodded her head. "Yes, I was sightseeing before coming here," she answered. The smile on her face refused to leave.

Adelia couldn't help but smile as well. "How was it? Was the view up to your expectation?"

Roselia clasped her hands together. "Oh yes!" she exclaimed. "The duchy is beautiful," she said.

"Thank you," Adelia said. "Please enjoy the refreshments," she offered.

"Alright!" Roselia said enthusiastically and reached for the sweets served.

"These are from Mythry patisserie right?"

Adelia nodded her head. "That's right."

"It's Countess Denvito's favourite shop right now," Roselia informed. She took a sip of tea before placing the teacup back on the table. "The snacks are very delicious," she praised.

Adelia chuckled. "It's my favourite as well," she stated. "I even applied as a member."

Roselia's eyes widened. "The countess did too." She seemed pleased somehow.

"Did she?" Adelia mused. "Well, I hope we'll both get accepted."

Roselia nodded her head in agreement. "I hope so too," she smiled.

They talked for quite some time. Adelia was having fun conversing with Roselia and of course, Roselia felt the same.

"I should be leaving now. It's getting quite late," Roselia said. She was obviously saddened by the fact that she had to leave.

"I'm afraid you're right," Adelia agreed. "But please, come by again some time," she told Roselia.

Adelia sent Roselia off to the entrance.

"Thank you for having me," Roselia expressed her gratitude. "And I'm sorry for inconveniencing you." She lowered her head.

"No, it's fine. Besides, I had fun talking to you," Adelia assured her. she gave her a warm smile. "I hope we can be friends," she said. Roselia had grown on her over the time they spent together.

Roselia raised her head at Adelia's words. Her eyes glistened. "Me too," she said and hugged Adelia.

Adelia was taken aback by the sudden embrace, but decided to return Roselia's hug. Adelia laughed lightly. "I'm glad you had fun."

Adelia thought it was too late to sever Roselia from her life now.

Several days passed and it was time for Adelia to go to the royal palace to check up on prince Chiron as per the king and queen's request. It was evident on Adelia's face that she did not want to be there at the royal palace but, when Arkin made her aware of her expression, she quickly concealed her displeasure.

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