Track and Field Club

Start from the beginning

"Hehe, you don't have to say it like that Akane-senpai", I brushed off his compliment while giggling a bit.

"Okay! Now that everyone has warm up to our guest, let's eat breakfast!", Haiji clapped his hand. "Itadakimasu!", everyone simultaneously said. I scoot over to the round table, somehow I manage to get some space. Then, everyone start to dig in. Three seconds passed and...

"Eh, wait. Akane-senpai?", Jota question. "(Y/N)-san?", Joji added. "You guys knew each other?!", the twin both exclaimed, snapping their head back and forth between Ouji and me. In response, everyone turned to me for answers except Ouji.

"Yeah!", I smile proudly.


"Thanks for the short stay! Then, I'll take my leave first", I bowed down, expressing my gratitude. A bag of my jersey clutched in my left hand. All the guys gather outside to see me out. After telling them that I'm a third-year Kansei's student who majored in Health Science, and also one of the active members in the Manga Club that Ouji's in. I called Ouji as Akane-senpai because I admired how incredible his knowledge in the manga world even though he is younger than me. But, I might change it to Ouji-senpai! They end up calling me by my first name which I am very much welcome. We had a great time chatting about various things though things got awkward when Haiji brought the marathon subject. Somehow, I have become the wall for the other guys to avert Haiji's proposal. Hahaha, what a lively bunch of boys! I can feel their spark...

"Wait (Y/N)-san, I sent the link of the latest manga release. We can discuss it later with the other", Ouji notified me.

"Really?! I'll check it now!", I immediately fish out my phone when I realize one important thing. "I left my phone in my house!!", I shouted, clutching my head.

"EHHH??", Jota and Joji yelled.

"...Seriously?", King sighed.

"You just realized that? Also, right before you're going home?", Yuki questioned.

"Unbelievable...", Nico-chan Senpai rested one hand on his hips.

"Are you going to be okay, (Y/N)-san?", Musa questioned worriedly.

"That's right, you're a girl after all", Shindou said.

"Forgetful as always...", Ouji said in his slow tone.

"um, (Y/N)-san. You can use my phone to call your house. Err, as a sorry for earlier", Kakeru offered his phone to me.

"Thanks for the offer but the problem is... I don't even remember my brother's number, ahaha...", I scratched my cheek. Everyone sighs again.

"Then, how about I walk you home? You remember the way?", Haiji asked out of the blue which caused everyone to turn to him in shock.

"Actually...I'm quite new around this area so I'm a bit blur...Ah! But, you can drop me at Yaotake shop. Is it okay?", I asked.

"I know that place very well so don't worry!", Haiji gives me a thumbs up.

"It's you that we're worried about!", Yuki shouted.


My eyes glance around as we walk pass through the street. I made sure to make a mental note along the way to Yaotake's shop from the Chikusei-so. "You do sport?", Haiji breaks the silence. I turned to him, a smile formed on my lips.

"Yeah, though I quit it a long time ago. Even now, I could still feel it running down in my vein. But, there's no returning to that time so it's okay! Right now, I am focusing on my study. I don't want to think about it anymore...", I muttered the last part. "What about you Haiji-san? Are you really serious about entering the Hakone Ekiden with the guys?", this time, I'm the one who's asking the question. Before my heart started to tug with guilt, I decided to change the subject.

"That's right, I am really serious. We are definitely going to be the top in the Hakone Ekiden! The ten of us", Haiji said, pumping his fist. There's a spark in his eyes. So bright, almost making me jealous... I looked up to him for a while. "You believe we can?", he suddenly asked, turning his head. I quickly turn my head forward to avoid making eye contact with him. Don't want him to notice this awful look of mine.

"If it's Haiji-san, I'm sure you guys can. It might seem impossible for a bunch of amateurs to suddenly join a high-level marathon but, I can see it in you. All of you have the sparks", I said smiling at him. Then, my eyes catch the sight of my brother's shop. A groceries shop along the shopping district. Yaotake. I have visited here once when I first moved into my brother's house. As we walked nearer to the shop, I caught a glimpse of my brother arranging the goods. "then, here is enough. I wouldn't want to drag your time any longer. Thanks for showing me the way, I'll make sure to remember it. Well, see you again Haiji-san!", I bowed then started to turn around, making my way to greet my stepbrother. When I just about to walk away, a hand grab my wrist. I turn around to see Haiji smiling widely.

"Will you join us too, (Y/N)-san?", he asked. My eyebrows lift upwards.

"Eh?", I was taken aback for awhile.

"Run with ME! Together, with all of us!", Haiji continued, his smile never fading. The bright smile that gives me hope. The beginning of a new spark.

"...I don't want to think about it anymore...", she muttered the last part, barely audible. The moment I heard her words, I felt like I'm seeing the old me. The me who is lost and useless. When I lost my will to run. Then, she changed the subject, wanting to escape from her own guilt. She tried to hide the envious look in her eyes when it pained her so much. What spark is she talking about? I wonder what caused her to quit her beloved sport. I want to know her previous sport life. I want to see how bright her eyes can be when she faces her passion again. I want to help her! My heart starts to burn with anticipation. On an instinct, I reach for her wrist. A smile on my face.

"Run with ME! Together, with all of us!", I said excitedly. (Y/N)'s eyes widened in surprise.

"U-uhmm... what? I mean, how?", (Y/N)'s brows knitted in confusion.

"Monday! I'll meet you on Monday, at the campus", I grinned. The young woman still had a confused look. My mind starts to work on a plan. We're going to aim for the top, at the Hakone Ekiden! 

Run with ME! (Haiji Kiyose X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now