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He was a distraction. It turned into attraction. Now he became the love of her life.


Arendelle had always been her home, even when the sounds of frost and snow once became the only echoes she could hear. Back then, she had trapped herself behind a locked door, forcefully muffling the voices that could've been her source of happiness. She didn't know how to control herself, a bundle of fear surrounding her as she woke up to the light of day, the daunting reality of her existence bound to haunt her until she slept. It had been painful, 13 years of hiding away from the rest of the world.

But things happened, and it started to truly feel like home. She had long forgotten about the events of the past, as everyone she had ever loved stood by her, especially her loving sister. After the so-called Great Thaw, cheerful chatter from her family had since welcomed each of her mornings. Anna would come rushing in and wrap her arms around her, smiling widely while saying, "Good morning, Elsa!"

She used to serve the kingdom as queen. The people of Arendelle loved her, as far as she knew, and she had embraced the happy presence of the townspeople ever since she had been free. Free to explore, free to understand the people in and out of the place. And to see her family enjoy their time in their kingdom already proved to be the most redeeming pleasure she had felt after all those years of being separated from the things she loved. She had finally taken control of her powers, her old terror eventually fading away.

She thought she was complete. Her family was enough. They had always been there for her no matter the circumstances and another addition never crossed her mind.

But he came.

It had been 5 years since they first met. Anna continued to rule the kingdom and is happily living with Kristoff and their children, while Olaf and Sven enjoyed spending time with their new playmates. Elsa came to visit often, with Jack trailing behind her back and eagerly accompanying her.

Jack had finally made a proper introduction to Anna and the rest of Elsa's family, of course. It was simple, kind of awkward, though they still got along at the end. They spent time with each other, happily sharing their own experiences and having fun with the little kids running around the castle. Elsa had found home within them, and each of their moments became her absolute source of solitude.

She could easily recall when she had met Jack, her doubts increasing during each passing second. He was a strange man, only seen by those who believe in him. He was Jack Frost, the Jack Frost, the man no one would've known actually existed. But in a world of millions of possibilities, Elsa knew to herself that she couldn't simply be alone in this phase of hers—that somewhere out there, there had to be one who could understand what she had to go through. She had silently lived under that impression.

She ended up being right. And today, they could finally seal their promises. The trail of events they had left together definitely turned into something Elsa least expected, but not that she complained against it. She loved him, he loved her, and the day they had been waiting for had finally come.

Anna rushed into her room, excitedly running to where she stood. Elsa stared into the mirror, a soft smile evident on her face as she meddled in the beauty of her gown. She wanted to keep things as simple as possible, but despite her request, her sister had pointed out several times that she'd always look elegant no matter what. Either way, she adored her own look.

"Ooh, Elsa, you look pretty!" Anna squealed while lightly running a hand on the train of Elsa's dress, admiring the snowflakes present on the thick sheets of light blue.

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