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Solemn Sunsets

There are so many places in the world, yet all she wanted was to be with him.


She couldn't believe anything anymore.

Jack Frost was a strange man. Supposedly a myth never meant to be found, his stories remained deemed untrue even when told over and over. She felt stuck in an eternal dream, her mind placed in a wobbly loop of endless adventures and tranquility with someone just like her.

She had her family; she thought she had been already content by what she held dear before Jack. And yet still there came an unexpected addition to her life, something she never thought of.

Mischievous, fun-loving, and sometimes annoying, he'd still manage to brighten her day even when against her will.

Almost every day, a parade of snowballs would awaken her, sometimes occurring at the end of the day. If Elsa could recall, they had at least dozens of snowball fights that happened out of nowhere, nearly always led by Jack. He always smiled, his teeth slightly outshining the light of their surroundings. He never failed to make her laugh and he often looked so... happy.

Though soon, Elsa discovered a different side of him, one that revealed itself when it had realized it crossed the line, one that Elsa secretly adored. He might be too fun and he tended to do the craziest things, but he always listened, always paid attention if something went wrong. And he would never cross that border again.

She couldn't help it. She liked him for sure. Her mind slowly turned numb to the whispers she used to say to herself; no, she couldn't 'conceal and don't feel' anymore. Had she turned crazy?

Everyone knew her for being regal, for always staying put and knowing what is right and what is wrong. But there had been something about Jack that not even she could comprehend, and surely he destroyed the seriousness in her.

She liked him. Or... she loved him. They could just live in peace and harmony, with the spirits accompanying them whenever needed.

Was there really anything that could stop them from being together?

Maybe themselves.

But Elsa had already made one point clear for herself—that she really couldn't help but see Jack as another light in her world. How she ended up being with him, however, remained a mystery to both of them. She considered herself lucky. And forever she decided to cherish her time with him, another winter spirit just like her.

Knock, knock.

She looked at the direction of the door of her little icy cabin, making her guesses of who could've been behind it. Obviously not Jack because she surely knew he never knocks—

"Elsa, yes, I knocked this time. Be proud of me," a muffled voice spoke.

She broke into a smile, casually bringing a hand on her forehead as she realized who stood behind the doors of her cabin. She walked towards the entrance of the room before opening the door and seeing him again.

Her heart fluttered as she saw him; she couldn't understand why she felt this way around him. Everything felt too fast for her, and if only she could go back to Anna and ask her things...

Elsa saw Jack's genuine smile once again as he entered the room, his arms carrying a wooden basket filled with lots of berries.

Some of the berries she could easily recognize, while some seemed completely out of the ordinary. Either a little kid guided him as he picked or he definitely did not know what he had been doing. The more she thought of it, the latter sounded more probable.

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