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On a boring day, two winter spirits tried to unlock the secrets of the Enchanted Forest.


The trees at the breath of their first morning; the leaves flew and fell onto the grassy soil below, mirrored in the many lakes that reflected the soft sunlight. The airy breeze and the cackling of fire from a distance, the moist ground, and the tiny droplets of water, all in unity bringing peace and stability to the entire land, accompanied by the happy chatter of the people it protected.

This used to be her mother's humble abode, the place she'd wake up to. No doors to knock, none of those fancy palace gowns and overly furnished bedrooms. Happily living life facing its natural gifts, almost leaving everything else forgotten.

The Enchanted Forest used to be a tale her parents had told, more of something no one considered real—like a myth, perhaps. Something too bizarre to even believe.

But so is Jack.

He'd only be found written in the library, hidden among the plethora of stories and information transcribed in each book. Yet now, she learned that he could also be found outside the pages of old paper, his blue eyes staring back at hers, the man himself standing right in front of the Snow Queen. He came to be subtly different from the myth she knew. He was supposed to be more of an ancient myth bound by a tragic fate.

Elsa definitely didn't expect herself to meet another winter spirit, and moreover, see said spirit boast... fish, out of all things.

"Aha!" Jack shouted, satisfied by his own work. "Snowflake, look! I got fish!"

He held it in his hand, proudly showing off the dead animal he managed to catch. Though surely he caught it by freezing the lake first (very obvious from afar; everyone would be blaming her for this), Elsa still smiled and clapped.

"Jack, I'm impressed," she said, a hand placed over her mouth in almost fake surprise. Jack laughed and absentmindedly threw the animal back in the frozen water behind him.

Three days had passed since they arrived in the forest and surely Jack seemed to be happy as ever. He'd freeze the vines and flowers or stand atop the trees; he'd wake Elsa by shaking her lightly or throwing a snowball at her face. For the other spirits, however, it became quite the contrary of being happy.

Ever since she met Jack, everything went crazier than expected. She hadn't approached the Northuldra yet, never seen or talked to them. She spent the entirety of her days with Jack and even she didn't know why.

"So, any plans for today?"

"I don't know. Probably none."

Meet the Northuldra, ask them anything, try to comprehend more about the forest. And yet Elsa still assured him that she had no schedule to follow. Huh, weird.

"Let's go for another walk then?" Jack offered. Elsa smiled at him and nodded.

The two winter spirits walked around the forest while still maintaining anonymity among the Northuldra. Bruni found them and climbed onto Jack's shoulder, later hiding in his hood, while Gale always accompanied them wherever they went. Who knows what else lies in the forest?


"I heard this lady say that there are random slots around the forest—" Jack said, almost like he tried to recount his day vividly while not understanding a single bit— "and we should be careful."

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