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Snowballs and Fun Times

And he told her, "This place is huge. What's wrong with having some fun?"


"Morning, Snowflake."

"Hu... huh?"

Elsa could barely notice the bright sunshine brought by the few yet large windows of the library. She shifted herself into a different sleeping position, groaning as if she needed five more minutes of sleep. Yawning a little, she plopped down and tried to continue her nap.

Moments later, she found herself recalling her dream, only remembering the part when she had played with this Jack Frost, when her hands remained buried in the fresh white snow.

What had happened yesterday, she couldn't recall. Anna, Anna... wedding... oh...

"Anna, I'm tired. Give me a few more minutes."

"Who's Anna?"

She shifted again, now furrowing her eyebrows in annoyance. Why would Anna not know her name?

But the more she tried to process the voice she just heard, the more she couldn't comprehend anything. Indeed, she admitted to being half-asleep, but nothing could stop her from realizing that Anna can't just—Anna wasn't a boy, as far as she knew.

And at the same time, this person didn't even know the identity of the queen of Arendelle, all while also being in Aren—

She jolted awake.

"So, you've been reading about me."

She gasped, taken aback by his presence. "What are you doing here? How did you even—"

"Shush." The man covered her mouth as she glared at the sight of him. "Your, uh... guards, or whatever, are right here in this library and they'll probably call you insane if you—"

"What do you WANT?!" Elsa shouted, ignoring his pleas.

Elsa saw him attempt to open his mouth to speak but soon sighed instead. "Okay, look, I'm sorry; I'll just leave if that's what you want. And uh," he looked behind, "there are no guards. I lied."

Though she wanted to retort, she instead yawned again and ignored the man—Jack Frost, actually. Wait, what?

Jack walked to a window nearby and tapped the glass, seemingly bothered by something.

"Okay, uh, how does this open?"

Elsa looked at him in confusion. "How did you enter...?"

The two of them stared at each other in distress, constantly bothered by the presence of each other. Elsa made herself certain that even though he probably had powers like hers—how could she be sure, however—she did not want him right now in her kingdom.

She never expected his presence, anyway. With all attention darted to her sister, she had a lot of time to rest and enjoy herself. But he stood there.

Elsa frequently felt uncomfortable with unwanted visitors—who doesn't?

This moment was not entirely different from the other conversations she had to keep up with during the past; in fact, meeting Jack seemed to be better than dealing with greedy representatives.

"Jack, where are you going?"

She flinched in surprise; that voice didn't come from her. Or him, even.

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