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The Northuldra were fun to talk with, and Jack couldn't find his staff.


Her eyes closed, she laughed heartily, snuggling with the comfortable pillow she squeezed tight in her arms. She could smell the salty breeze and hear the ruffling of the leaves, her pillow moving slightly to the left whenever she heard a wave crash unto her imaginary shore. She felt a hand brush her hair, soon followed by a tiny groan.

She laughed again and the hand stopped by her ear, only to move around and go through her platinum blonde strands once again. She heard a voice next to her pillow; no, it came from the object itself. Wait, that's not how the world works...

'Wake, wake." She could barely progress the voice but might understand a word or two. She attempted to roll over the other side yet couldn't find the strength to bring her pillow with her, one that she suddenly held dear. Had she been hugging a rock? No, no, too light for a rock.

A hand held her shoulder and shook it gently, while the same voice spoke a handful of sentences ranging from mellow request to almost anger-driven confusion. "Elsie...?"

She frowned, clutching the cloth of her pillow, threatening to rip it apart. This time she heard a loud gasp in return, mostly of ache.

"Hey, ELSA!"

She groaned, mumbling in her half-awake sense. "I can hear you, but I won't."

She then felt two hands shaking her entire body, though it did not force her awake. A few more shakes and she heard noises led by a familiar voice, "Snowflake, just... please wake up."

The pillow was Jack. The hand was his. The voice definitely came from him.

And yet she did not fret.

"Oh, uh. Good morning." She brought herself up and sat beside him, rubbing her eyes and yawning. Her head tilted to Jack's direction, about to dive headfirst into his figure once again, but he caught her sleepy head and placed her back up.

Jack snickered, his hands fixed on her shoulders. "You must be used to me now."

"Actually, yeah." She finally managed to see him, the surroundings as well. Morning and still by the Dark Sea. "Is that a bad thing?"

"It depends," he said and shrugged. "Now, do we explore the forest and talk to people, will I face the other spirits again and possibly die, or are we gonna stay here in each other's arms and cuddle?"

Elsa raised an eyebrow. "Upon hearing the third option, I'm gonna say it's the second."

"Huh, thanks."

"You're welcome."

She looked up at the sky, trying to distract herself from the thoughts of the third statement. She cleared her throat and shook her head. "Let's check up on the Northuldra. I should be talking to them instead of talking to you..."

"Not my fault that you find me alluring," he teased as he patted her head, though his other hand remained on her shoulder.

She scoffed. "You're not alluring."

"Say it again."

She looked back at Jack and saw him smirking at her, a flirtatious grin present on his face.

Yes, he did look handsome. Yes, the way he looked at her could make any girl drool. Yes, Elsa liked him. But yes, she did spend a portion of her life trying to hide her feelings.

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