Chapter 25: Text messages

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Aurora's POV

The following two days when we were apart,i felt so sad.. You know,the one you love goes away with another woman. My heart was hurting so bad,i cried all the time,at school i was lost in thoughts,i didn't give attention to anything or anyone... and.. i miss him like crazy..

At this moment,i'm in my car driving to the park. I'll meet up with the girls.

When i arrived,i saw them talking.

"Hiii.." i said quitely,as i do these past few days.
"Hi bunny,how are you feeling?" Grace asked me.
"I don't know.." i said.
"Come here baby." They engulfed me in a tight hug.
"It will be okay." They said.
"I hope.." i said then we left for a walk.

My mood changed. I was feeling good actually. These two bitches know how to change my mood. That's why I love them.

This mood didn't last long...I stopped walking when I saw him holding hands with Ema. They were so happy.. how could he?

Me and Austin were staring in each others eyes. Ema had a devilish smirk. BITCH.

"Hi Rora,look who's with me." She smirked and kissed his cheek.
"I don't give a shit. Move away." I said,i was trying my best to hold my tears.
"Let's go love." She said.

After she said "love" to him,i tried my best not to punch her..
"You bitch." I walked closer to her.
"Once again call him "love" and you're dead." I said seriously.
"Hahahahaha go away bitch." I raised my hand to punch her but the girls stopped me.
"It's not worth it Aurora..." Ju said.
"Right.." i looked once again in his eyes then walked away. He honestly didn't seem happy..

After 3 hours of walking, i said bye to the girls and got in my car.

It was now 10 pm. I was so tired honestly..

I arrived home and went to the living room where my parents were.

"Hi momma and dadda." I said and hugged them.
"Hi sweetheart. How are you?" Mom asked.
"I don't know.. how can i be when i saw my ex with the bitch..." i said quitely.
"Come here." Dad said and engulfed me in his arms.
"Everything will be alright sweetie. Just have faith. We love you so much Aurora." Dad said and kissed my head.

"Mommy! Can you please read me a story?" Marty asked.
"I will sweetie." I said and we went to his room.
"When will Austin tell her?" My mom whispered to dad.
"Tomorrow." Dad said and smiled.
"Let's go to sleep darling." Dad said and kissed my mom.
"Okay love." Mom said and got up.
"I love you Marissa." Dad said.
"I love you too Damon." Mom said and they went to their room.

"Sissy,which story you're gonna read to me?" Marty asked.
"Hm,do you want sissy to make her own?" I asked.
"Yes yes yes!" He answered happily. I lightly pinched his cheeks.
"Okay sweetie. Come here." I said and he laid on the bed.
"Once upon a time,there was a princess living in one big city. She was in love with a beautiful prince. One day that prince broke up with the princess and she left to live in another country. There,she found someone that was making her happy and she fell in love with him. They were so happy together. Their eyes were shinning whenever they met. They had so many memories together, untill he broke up with her saying that it was for their best. The boy replaced the princess's place in few days,while the girl was broken..." i stopped for a second. My eyes were teary.
"Sissy,where's Austin?" He asked,how can i answer on this..
"I don't know sweetheart.." i said as i sobbed.
"Sissy,why are you crying?" He asked.
"Something got in my eyes sweetie." I lied of course. I didn't want to make him sad.
"Who told you this story sis? I never heard of it." My life bro..
"I don't know,it fell on my mind." I lied again and smiled.
"Okay sissy." He said.
"Goodnight munchkin." I kissed his cheek.
"Night sis." He said.
"Rora! Wait a second." He said.
"Yes munchkin?" I said.
"I miss Austin." He said. A tear rolled down my cheek.
"I miss him too bunny..." i said.
"Can he please come here tomorrow?" He pouted.
"I'll ask him..Goodnight sweetie." I said.
"Night sissy." Then i went in my room and grabbed my phone. I decided to text Austin.

"Hi Austin.. I was wondering if you wanted to come on a visit in my house tomorrow. Marty really misses you and wants to see you.." -  Me.
"Hi Aurora, yeah sure. We'll talk tomorrow." - Austin
"Thank you. Goodnight." - Me.
"Goodnight." - Austin.
"I love you..." -  Me.
"More..." - Austin.

A happy tear rolled down my cheek..
He still loves me...

Austin's POV

"I love you..." - Aurora.
"More..." - Me.

I couldn't hold it.. I really love her so much.... Tomorrow i'll give her the letter. I won't give it to her at school as planned. I'll hand it to her before i leave her house.

She still loves me.

I fell asleep with a happy smile on my face.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter, I hope you liked it!!!
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