Chapter 8: Suprises

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Aurora's POV

Today was Wednesday. Four days till my boyfriend's birthday. I still don't know what to buy him.

I got up,did my routine and opened my wardrobe. Today i decided to wear olive green ripped jeans with a white crop top. I made a messy bun and put a little of makeup. I looked nice.

"Morning family." I said.
"Morning hunny." Mom replied.
"How are you sweetie? How's it going with Austin?" She asked. Of course i didn't tell them for our argument.
"I'm fine,it goes well." I smiled.

I ate breakfast and went outside. I saw Austin waiting for me.

"Hey love." I came by him and kissed him.
"Hi love." He said.
"Why did you come here? You didn't need to you know." I said.
"I didn't need to,but i wanted to love." This made me smile.
"I love you." I made a puppy face.
He kissed my cheek and said:"i love you more."

We arrived at school. We held hands to make Ema jealous. She walked by us.

"Wait what? You're together again?" She was suprised. We just chuckled and kissed. We didn't bother to reply and we walked away.

"So love,your birthday i soon." I said.
"Mhm." He replied.
"What do you want for your birthday? You're turning 18,so it has to be a special gift." I said.
"Yeah, the best gift will be 'you'." Shit.
"What else?" I said.
"I don't need anything else." He smirked.
"I hate you." I pretended like i was mad.
"I love you more." Okay this made me laugh. I hugged him.
"Okay,let's go to class." He nodded.

I had class with Grace and Julia. We had Musics. Boring af...

"Psst Aurora." Grace said.
"Do you think that Ash likes me?" She made a puppy face.
"From the way he's watching you..yeah." i said.
"I hope it's true." She said.
"What about Shawn? Do you think he likes me?" Julia asked me.
"Mhmmm i think yes. From the way he's watching you." I said the truth. Those two boys are stupid. I don't know when they'll confess.

Austin's POV

I had a class with the boys,Ash and Shawn. We had English. Boring ugh.

"Austin, i wanna ask you something." Ash said.
"Ask bro." I said.
"Umm, do you think that she likes me back?" He asked.
"Grace?" I asked.
"Yeah." He said,he was nervous.
"Well,not gonna lie but i think she really likes you. Her eyes are shining when she sees you." I said honestly.
"I'm so oblivious. I have to confess my feelings bro. But i really don't know how. Give me an idea please." He said.
"Okay listen....." i gave him an idea.
"Thanks bro." He gave me a bro hug and left.
"Austin, i.... like Julia. Do you,ummm,think she likes me back?" Shawn asked shyly.
"Yeah,i think so. Confess bro." I told him and then left the classroom.

I saw my girlfriend talking with Julia and Grace.

I went by her and hugged her from behind. The girls awwwed.

"How was class?" She asked me.
"It was good. Come with me and i'll tell you what happened." She nodded and followed me.

"So,what happened?" She asked me.
"Ash and Shawn confessed to me that they like Julia and Grace.

She squealed.

"I told you,i told you!" She was jumping in her space.
"Chill chill chill,the most important thing is that they want to confess to the girls.
Ash asked me for an advice how to tell Grace. I had a plan and i told it to him.
He will ask her to..." i said.
"Omggg! Awesome!" She squealed again. Ahh i love her. We both chuckled.

Grace's POV

The classes ended so i went on my way home. I was stopped by Ash.

"Hi Grace" He said,he was nervous.
"Oh hi Ash." I said.
"I have a suprise for you. Wanna meet up later?" He asked me. Wowww,what type of suprise is this? Skhjshs the person i like asked me to go out with him.
"Sure!" I said.
"Awesome." He came closer to me and kissed my cheek.
"Bye Grace,see ya!" Goshhh,what came into him? Skdhdjhs i think he likes me back!
His soft lips kissed my cheek. I was extremely happy!!!

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