Chapter 18: Spending time with my idol

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Aurora's POV

30 minutes after Sel called, i was ready and we went on our way to the hotel she was staying.

After 20 minutes i was there.

"Bye love,have fun!" He said.
"I'm so excited. Thank you,bye baby!" I kissed him.

I was in front of the hotel. Wow,it was so beautiful.

I got inside

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I got inside. Wo- i was cut.

"Hi Mrs. Adams. I'll guide you to Selena's room. She's waiting for you." He said.

Goshhh,did he just call me Mrs. Adams? Selena,you're a legend.

I knocked on the door. After few seconds Sel opened it.
"Hi sweetie. How are you?" She said and gave me a hug.
"Hi Sel,i'm great. How about you?" I asked.
"Me too. Come in!" She said. I nodded and came in.

Gosh, the room was so biggg and beautiful.

We sat on the large bed

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We sat on the large bed.

"Wanna order coffee or something?" She asked.
"Sure." We ordered coffees.

"It's so beautiful there." I said,i was still admiring the view that the room had. You could see the whole London from the big window.
"Yeah. I always loved this place. London is so beautiful." She said and smiled.

We talked much. We got to know each others more,we shared some memories, we laughted together and a lot of other things.

"Aurora, did you watch the 13 reasons why?" She asked.
"Of course! I watched all the seasons. It ended so sad. I expected it to end happily." I said.
"Yeah, actually same. I thought there'd be a happy ending." She said.
"Do you think that Hannah did the right decision?" I asked her.
"Well,probably. Because, you know,she had a very hard life. Her friends left her,she was all alone. A lot of people broke her heart also..she was...used. What do you think?" She asked me.
"You're right,but,she had to think of the people around her. Her family, Clay..." i said.
"Right." She said.

Until I Met Him [Finished]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora