Chapter 12

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Maiko frowned, tapping idly on her desk while listening to the teacher drone on. She wasn't too worried about actually missing any of the material since Kyouya could always just fill her in later. No, Maiko wasn't worried about that in the slightest, what she was worried about was the lack of Hana in her life.

'I don't think she's been avoiding me, but I feel like I did something to make her upset." Maiko furrowed her brow in thought, trying to figure out if she hadn't responded to a text or if maybe she missed a call, but nothing was coming to mind.

"Ughh" She spoke aloud, dropping her head onto her desk, The resounding thud that followed was louder than what Maiko had thought it would have been.
The teacher turned around, sighing at the noise.

"Miss Nakamura, I know you're friends with Mr. Suoh but please try not to let his actions affect you too." Maiko stifled her laugh as Tamaki let out a shout of protest, Kyouya simply sighed and pinched his forehead.

Always such amusing times in class 2-A.

"Maikoooooo, it's time to head to the club!" Tamaki practically sang once the last bell rang. Maiko could feel the ice cold stares that were getting shot her way, lately the coldness of the other girls has gotten worse ever since she found out Haruhi's secret.

Maiko took her time looking over at Tamaki, "Why am I going with you?"

"Well-" Tamaki froze, her question hitting him and throwing off his stride.

Kyouya decided to interject, "We simply thought we would give you the friends and family discount today."

"Oh, am I the first to receive this discount?" Maiko asked, raising an eyebrow.

Kyouya smiled fakely at her, "Of course not. Some members of the Host Club have siblings who visit them."

"I forgot that Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai have younger siblings." Maiko said aloud, not really intending for it to be a response but Kyouya let out a small grunt of acknowledgement. "In any case, are you sure it's okay for you and Tamaki to personally invite me?"

'From a sales viewpoint, it probably wouldn't be good for the merchandise (the hosts) to be seen interacting and hanging out with a girl constantly. Sure Haruhi is a girl, but since the student body thinks that she's a boy then the girls wouldn't have to get jealous.' Maiko frowned, thinking to herself while idly listening to Tamaki talk to the two of them. 'Renge exists as well, but she seems rather airheaded and the girls all seem to get along well with her.'

"Right Maiko?" Tamaki asked, turning to look at his classmate with stars in his eyes. His aura was practically sparkling as he stared at the girl.

Maiko let out an uncomfortable laugh, avoiding eye contact with him, "I seemed to have been in dreamworld and missed that...." She trailed off as the sparkles instantly became tears.

"Mommy!" Tamaki exclaimed, throwing himself at Kyouya who simply stepped out of the way with practiced ease, "Your sister-in-law has been ignoring me!"

"Do try to be attentive," Kyouya sighed and pushed up his glasses wryly, "sister dearest."

For the second time Maiko had to choke down a laugh, choosing to look away from the raven haired boy in order to hide her mirth.

The trio had walked into the third music room, Tamaki still dramatically yelling out being ignored which, incidentally; lead to him being ignored even more.

"You guys seem like you're having fun! We want to have fun too!" The cheery voice of Honey-senpai called out. Maiko's eyes gleamed slightly at the sight of her upper classmate. While she wasn't interested in him romantically, there was just something about the adorable senior that drew her in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2020 ⏰

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