Chapter Eleven

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"You really didn't have to come to the store with me Maiko." Haruhi said, looking over at the older girl walking cheerfully next to her. Both girls were holding bags from the local market.

Maiko rolled her eyes and playfully bumped into Haruhi's arm. "If I'm going to stay at your house tonight it's the least I could do."

"You could have at least let me buy it all." Haruhi said.

"You made me split the price with you!" Maiko complained. She had money and she wanted to spoil her friends with it, not that Haruhi or Hana would ever let her.

"That was some sale though!" Haruhi basically sighed as she said it, causing Maiko to let out a small laugh. The two girls then walked together in silence, simply enjoying the nice weather outside. It was then that Maiko noticed.

"Hey Haru, is this normal at your place?" Maiko asked, gesturing towards the crowd of people out front. They seemed like they were looking at a car but Maiko couldn't be sure from the distance they were currently at.

Haruhi slowly shook her head, "No, I wonder what everyone's looking at? I hope it isn't a problem with the apartments." She had a worried look on her face and so the girls sped up their pace slightly, just trying to get a better view.

The two froze when the whole of the Host Club began to climb out of the car, which now that they were closer Maiko could easily tell it wasn't just a car, but a limo.

"Can we go back to the store." Haruhi said lowly, not taking her eyes off the attention seekers.

"I think they'd just freak out and camp out at your door." Maiko responded, confused on why the Host's were even here.

"Remember men!" Tamaki shouted, causing Maiko and Haruhi to look in his direction. He had the other Host's in a type of circle up and was talking to them sternly. "Now don't forget that this is a casual 'we were in the neighborhood' visit. We're not here to judge the Fujioka family's lifestyle!" Maiko looked over at Haruhi to see her growing anger.

"The words Shabby, cramped, or run down are absolutely not allowed to be said! Don't say anything that might offend Haruhi or her father!" Tamaki continued on.

Maiko glanced at Haruhi before sighing, figuring she should at least make Tamaki quit while he was ahead. "I think you already offended her. Jeez Tamaki, showing up at a ladies house unannounced, how rude." Maiko said jokingly, popping her head up into the circle of boys.

"Maiko!" Tamaki visibly jumped at the sight of her randomly appearing. "How did you know we were here? We tried calling you but you didn't answer."

"Oh whoops, I left my phone inside." Maiko shrugged and walked back over to a fuming Haruhi. "Anyways you guys should have asked Haruhi before just showing up."

"Well you just showed up." Hikaru shot back causing Maiko to look at him, trying to gauge if he was being serious or not.

Maiko looked from Hikaru and to the shopping bags that were still in both her and Haruhi's arms. "'re kidding right?"

"Get the hell out of here!" Haruhi said to Tamaki, shaking with anger. Maiko decided she was just going to pretend she didn't notice Hikaru's lasp of thought process skills and would instead pay attention to the second mess in the area.

Tamaki went pale, a horror stricken grimace crossing his face before he turned to the twins, "Haruhi's so mad she actually cursed at us!" He screamed and cried at the other two boys, who just leaned away from him and avoided his eyesight.

"Uh excuse me Haruhi, Maiko, is everything alright?" An older woman had walked up to the two girls. She was wearing a lavender turtleneck and had short wispy brown hair. Her eyes only showed her worry as Tamaki continued to have his self induced meltdown a few feet away.

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