Chapter Ten

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"Thank you again for coming with me Maiko, I know it's pretty out of your way." Haruhi said, holding some instant coffee while the two were walking back to campus.

Maiko shook her head, smiling at her, "Shush it, if I had a problem with it I wouldn't have offered! Plus, now I'll be even more used to so that if we need to run to the store while I'm at your house, we can!"

Haruhi smiled at the older girl, thankful that the two were able to fully be friends, real friends with no secrets between them. "So, are you excited about the cultural festival?"

"To be honest I usually skip it. Last year I got sick around the time it started, so I just used the two days to rest and get better. This year I was going to see if Hana wanted to do something but she went straight home, apparently some family matters." Maiko sighed and looked up towards the sky, adjusting the brown bag she was holding.

She desperately wanted to tell someone about the kiss. She had fallen asleep shortly afterwards and when she woke up Kaoru was gone and it was time to leave. Between listening to what Tamaki tried to pull on Haruhi, and watching him trying to run to catch up to the limo, she hadn't even had a chance to talk to Kaoru about it.

"Are you okay Maiko?" Haruhi asked, tilting her head. Maiko smiled wirily and nodded her head.

"Yeah, just have a lot on my mind."

"Well, I'm always here to talk if you need it." Maiko looked at Haruhi, before shaking her head and smiling. It was then she noticed something yellow on the ground in front of them.

"Hey watch ou-" She was too late in warning Haruhi and down she went. Maiko eeped and went to try to catch it, getting ready to toss her own bag of coffee to the ground when someone else stepped in.

"It'd be a shame for any harm to come to that cute face of yours, young lady." The girl in question was wearing a different uniform than that of Ouran's, Maiko furrowed her brow, trying to think of where she had seen it before. It was on the tip of her tongue but she just couldn't place it.

"Whoa, thank you." Haruhi said, sitting on the ground and making sure she didn't lose any of the goods in the process. "I can be pretty clumsy sometimes."

"How endearing my lovely maiden." The strange girl said, crouched next to Haruhi. "Allow me to escort you to your destination."

"Oh sorry that's not necessary." Maiko spoke up, getting bad vibes from the girl in front of her. "We're capable of walking there ourselves."

"Nonsense!" The woman stood up and winked at Maiko, "It would be an honor to escort two beautiful spring maidens."

Maiko shot Haruhi a look while Haruhi just shrugged. Maiko sighed and together, the trio began to walk towards the Host Club.

Maiko opened the door to the Host Club, ignoring the new girls talking. She just gave off a vibe that Maiko didn't like, plus she would be able to surprise the hosts since she doubted they thought she would show up today. She walked into the room, quickly making her way towards the twins, but Haruhi wasn't so lucky.

"Maybe something like, I would never leave my lover alone." The girl made a pose while hugging Haruhi tight to her side. "If we fight it will be together, if we fail we'll fail together. Even if I were to die, I would never leave you my love." Each sentence was followed by a different dramatic pose. She then finished her whole performance by gently kissing Haruhi's hand, causing the hosts to let out a gasp.

"Guys you can't be serious, that was garbage." Maiko said flatly, looking at her shock ridden hosts. She shook her head and sighed, getting to work on taking out the things her and Haruhi had bought earlier. She snuck a glance over towards Kaoru and blushed lightly, 'he looks good as a squire.'

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