Chapter Two

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Since the two girls hadn't immediately went straight to the Host Club, and instead had talked inside of Hana's classroom, the club was already in session when the girls walked in. Instantly Maiko's eyes were blinded by the overwhelming amount of yellow. She would almost compare it into looking directly at the sun, but honestly that would probably be less painful.

Hana began to tug on Maiko's arm. "Come on! We have to go to Kyouya and sign in, and then we can go to Haruhi! I honestly can't wait for you to meet him!" Hana chirped excitedly. It didn't take us long to walk over to Kyouya's table, though he wasn't hosting anyone at the moment and was instead writing in his black notebook.

"Hiya Kyouya!" Hana smiled softly once we stood in front of the man. Kyouya looked up from his notebook and shot us both what would have passed for a charming smile. 'It has no warmth.' Maiko thought to herself, frowning slightly.

"Hello Miss Aino, Miss Nakamura." Kyouya greeted. Hana's smile grew larger while Maiko's disinterest began to show on her face. "Miss Nakamura I believe you are a first time guest as well, correct?" Kyouya continued on.

Maiko nodded her head. "Yeah, it's a pleasure to see you outside of class Ootori-san, Hana decided it was time I pay the Host Club a visit."

"I see," Kyouya's glasses glinted in the light as he quickly made some sort of note into his notebook, "Well, we have a variety of different types here so I'm sure we can find someone to your liking."

Hana quickly jumped into the conversation, "Actually Kyouya that won't be necessary! Maiko is going to come with me to Haruhi's table, I'm paying for both of us this evening." Hana quickly explained.

Maiko furrowed her brow, 'Wait, you have to pay money to come here?' She thought to herself as she watched Hana give Kyouya some amount of yen. Once Kyouya bowed his head slightly, Hanna turned back to Maiko and gestured for her to follow her.

"I hope you'll find your time at the Host Club enjoyable Miss Nakamura." Kyouya said to Maiko, sitting up straight. Maiko looked towards to Hana was quickly disappearing to and nodded her head.

"I hope I do as well Ootori-san." She called out before promptly turned and beginning to head off in the direction her best friend went. While the room wasn't exactly the largest room, there was a ton of people and since all the girls wear the same uniforms it was difficult to keep focus on just one.

Maiko continued to walk, taking the chance to actually look around the room and at all of the different hosts. Towards the front of the room was Tamaki, he sat like some sort of ruler while he continuously laid on thick lines to the girl with him. Maiko slowed down slightly to look at Tamaki's face before briskly walking forward. 'Interesting,' She thought to herself, 'I don't see any insincerity on his face.'

Right as Maiko had gotten to Haruhi's table, she felt herself lose balance...mainly due to the fact that she wasn't paying attention and ran straight into someone's back. As she started to fall two hands shot out on each side of her and caught her, bringing her back up into a straight standing position.

"You should learn to be more careful." Two voices spoke in unison. Maiko slowly opened her eyes from when she has closed them, bracing for the impact of the fall. Blue clashed with two sets of amber as the twins in front of her stood unimpressed.

"Oh, thank you, uh-" Maiko paused, realizing that she actually didn't know the name of the twins. Yes people constantly talked about the Host Club, but she had only heard the twins referred to as, well, the twins.

"Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin. Seriously Maiko how are you so clueless." Hana sighed, seemingly materializing out of nowhere.

Maiko jumped and quickly spun around. "How many times have I told you not to do that! Seriously I'm going to put bells on you, I'm not even kidding." Hana just shot Maiko a look and then slowly moved her eyes back over to the twins, who were still watching the whole scene with a deadpan on their faces.

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