Chapter Eight

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"Wait, so where are we going?" Maiko asked Hana for the millionth time, causing Hana to let out yet another groan.

"Why don't you ever let me just surprise you!" She asked, throwing her hands up in the air. Maiko pouted and crossed her arms, looking outside the window at the passing scenery.

"You know I don't like surprises! I never know how to react to them and then me and whoever it was ends up feeling awkward!" Maiko whined, turning to shoot a look at her best friend. "Can't you just tell me a hint at least?"

Hana couldn't resist her friends puppy dog eyes. "Ugh fine! Only a hint though!" Maiko nodded her head eagerly. Hana held up one finger, "The Host Club will be there."

Maiko narrowed her eyes, "Okay, what are we really doing? We've been driving for a long time already and if the hosts are involved I want to be prepared."

"Prepared to see Kaoru, huh." Hana wiggled her eyebrows at Maiko, who instantly became flushed.

"Shut up! I just don't even know if I packed the right things! You only told me to pack an overnight bag, but you didn't say what to bring. Plus if the Host Club is there than you already know something obnoxious is going to happen." Maiko paused in her rant and looked out the window at the landscape, she could see the ocean.

Hana gave her friend a deadpan look, "Yeah, okay you just want to make sure you packed the right things." She then stretched, "It shouldn't be that much longer anyways. You did bring your swimsuit like I told you right? Like you have it on?"

Maiko rolled her eyes, "Yes mom, I'm wearing the swimsuit you told me to bring."

"Then you have nothing to worry about!"

Maiko kicked the sand that was slowly causing her feet to burn, if anything she would prefer to walk closer to the ocean, but it was just better for everyone if she kept her distance. Maiko's face brightened up when she finally found Haruhi sitting on a towel underneath and umbrella near where the twins were.

After arriving at Okinawa, Hana had seemingly vanished, leaving Maiko with trying to figure out what to do. Hana's only hint about where she was supposed to go was, 'beach.'

"This sucks, I thought going to the beach meant a day off." Haruhi complained, not seeing Maiko.

"Awe, don't be so negative Haruhi, I'm sure you'll end up having fun!" Maiko chirped to him, sitting down next to him on the towels.

Haruhi jumped, shooting Maiko a look. "Maiko! Don't just sneak up on people!" He scolded her.

Maiko huffed and looked away. "Well, now you know how I always feel!" She then turned her attention to the long line of girls waiting for their very own special alone time with Tamaki on the rocks. "They do know that he's not going to date any of them, right?"

"Why do you say that?" Haruhi asked, genuinely curious.

Maiko shrugged her shoulders, bringing her knees closer to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. "You can tell that he's sincere in all of his compliments, he truly does think that every girl is beautiful." Maiko paused, looking for the right words, "But, there's no spark in his eye. He doesn't have interest in any of them romantically."

"Huh." Haruhi siad, looking over at Tamaki in thought. He shook his head, pointing towards Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai, who were doing some sort of yoga routine on the sand.

"What are they even trying to do?" Maiko asked, watching the odd duo. Honey-senpai had a floaty around his waist, even though he wasn't in the water, but then again Maiko had missed the last few days of the club due to family matters, so maybe she just missed something.

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