Chapter Twenty

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Raven's POV

"'Arya, Arya, Arya,'" My little sister mocked as she meandered about my chambers, "'This will not do. This will not do at all.' As if I care what those stupid ladies think."

I couldn't contain my laughter as I watched the display, "It could not have been that bad, pup."

She grunted, all but throwing herself onto my bed, "Easy for you to say. You have never had to listen to their squawking." a thoughtful look crossed her face, "Why can't I be like you? I would have much more fun learning to wield a sword than a needle."

I sighed, shifting to sit closer, "We have had this conversation, pup. You are to be brought up as a true lady should. Then, one day, father will find you a nice young lord to marry." I spoke with a roll of my eyes, "I would love for you to sword train with the boys and me, but your mother has put her foot down on the matter. Try to find some fun in the needlework. Once you learn enough, you could put your efforts into stitching naughty things onto your dresses." I grinned as her eyes lit up

She was silent for a moment, "Why does mother treat you and Jon so poorly?" 

To say that question surprised me would be an understatement. Not once in her eleven years had Arya questioned the state of her mother's and my non-existent relationship. It had always been that way, after all. Jon and I steered clear of Catelyn as often as humanly possible, while Catelyn preferred to pretend we never existed in the first place. When we did interact, as rarely as it occurred, there were nothing but formalities and cold glares levied at the two of us as she spoke. It was a system that we, and every person in Winterfell, had come to accept.

I sighed once more, trying to find the right words to explain this topic to my little sister, "To your mother, Jon and I are nothing more than reminders of father's infidelity. She treats us poorly because our very existence is a reminder that another woman had occupied father's..." I couldn't say bed. She was just a child, "heart for a time while he was fighting in the war."

"That isn't fair!" Arya exclaimed, now kneeling on my bed

I stood and walked around the bed to place my hands on her shoulders, looking into her big grey eyes. Eyes that mirrored my own in so many ways, "I know it isn't fair, but that is the story the God's have written for me. For all of us. You don't have to like this story, but you cannot go back and rewrite it. All you can do is make the best of it, take the quill in your own hand and write your own ending."

"It still isn't fair." she pouted, crossing her arms over her chest

I sat next to her once again and put my arm around her shoulders, "It is not all bad. If I was trueborn, then I would have never been able to pick up a sword let alone learn how to use it. I would have been shipped off before my eighteenth nameday to become some lord's wife, instead of staying here with my family." I nudged her side lightly, "I have had a good life, pup. The best one I could have considering my standing."

"If I hear anyone speaking ill of you or Jon I swear by the old Gods I'll-"

"You will do nothing." I admonished, "If you are caught brawling in the courtyard on our account, your mother will have my head. No, you will ignore it as Jon and I have learned to."

"But Raven," she whined, "they say such awful things about the two of you. How does it not bother you?"

"Of course it bothers me, but, as I said, over time I have learned to ignore them. If you remain neutral to their words, you don't give them the satisfaction of seeing that it affects you."

"What about Robb?"

I chuckled lightly, "Ignorance is not something our dear brother has quite mastered. I have lost count of the number of threats he has made on our behalf, though thankfully punches haven't been thrown since we were around your age."

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