Chapter Nine

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^Song sung later on in chapter

Author's Note

Some serious fluff is ahead, be prepared.


No One's POV

A storm raged through the North. Thunder echoing off the castle walls, lightning lighting up rooms through windows.

Ned knew it was only a matter of time before one of his girls; Sansa and Arya, that is, were to come running into his chambers. As if on cue, his eldest daughter ran in and jumped into their bed.  "It's alright sweetling, it is just a bit of sound and water." Catelyn cooed.

"How long 'til Arya joins us?" Ned wonders

"Soon, I reckon." 

But she never did.


Raven's POV

A knock on my door wakes me up, from an otherwise peaceful sleep. I groan already finding myself walking to the door. "I swear to the old Gods, Jon needs to grow up!" I think to myself. I open the door and to my surprise, I don't see my twin, but Arya. She immediately hugs my legs, I wrap my arms around her small form. "Well hello there, young one. Has the storm upset you?" I feel her nod against me, I kneel down to meet her eye. "Would you like to stay here with me tonight?" Another eager nod, I pick her up and carry her to my bed. 

We snuggle together, a few minutes later Arya speaks up, "Waven?" I smile, she can't really pronounce her r's yet. "Can you sing to me?"

I was taken slightly aback by this request, but Arya being as adorable as she is, I couldn't refuse. I start to sing a song I remember Septa Mordane singing when I was very little.

(Refer to video for the song)

By the end of the song, Arya was snoring softly against my chest. I smile to myself, knowing I did something right as a sister. I kiss her head lightly, trying my best not to wake her. I find myself falling asleep soon after.


The Next Morning...

Ned's POV

I wake up to find Sansa in between Catelyn and myself, and Arya nowhere to be seen. I see Cat's eyes open slowly, she looks around the bed, "Did Arya not come to us last night?"

"I guess not. Unless she went to one of the older kids."

"Can you go check for me? I need to be sure."

"Cat it's still very early in the morning. No one would be awake yet."


I sigh, "Of course, anything for you my love." She smiles as I get out of bed, throwing a tunic on as I walk out.

I check Arya's room first, her bed is empty the covers are tossed about. "So she did end up somewhere." I note. The closest room to her's was Robb's, "She has to be there. Right?" I slowly open the door, looking to find my youngest daughter. Instead I find my eldest alone, Arya nowhere to be seen. Next is Jon's room, i open the door finding with the same result I found with the last room. The only room that's left is Raven's, "Would Arya really go this far? She could've come to my chambers to go this distance."

I slowly open the door, as I did with the others, looking in to see one of the cutest things I've seen in a while. Arya snuggled into Raven's chest, the older girl's arm positioned protectively around the younger. I walk up to the bed and pull the fur covers over the both of them. I walk back to the door, closing it quietly behind me.

I return to my and Cat's chambers. She looks up from Sansa, "Did you find her?"

I nod, getting back into bed, "She was with Raven." I whisper

"Ned I don't know how I feel about that."

"Cat, we've been through this. You can't keep siblings away from one another."

"I can try." She turned away from me, I sigh turning the other way as well, trying to get a few more hours of sleep before the whole castle wakes.


I would like to point out I wrote the majority of this at one in the morning

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