Chapter Ten

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Time for yet another chapter I wrote in the middle of the night before I go to bed. This chapter picks up almost immediately after the last one ended.


No One's POV

The storm died down well before the castle woke up. First, there were the servants moving around to get the breakfast ready. Then, a few hours later handmaidens moved to wake the inhabitants of the castle, all except for Raven. There was a rule amongst the servants about waking up the young Snow. A rule that was only implemented after there were reports among the staff of the young girl growling when they had tried to wake her. Some went as far as to say she was an actual wolf.

Since then the staff and Lord Stark himself have put Jon in charge of waking his twin, as he seemed to be the only one she didn't snap at in the morning. So the servants first woke Robb, then moved to Jon. Jon then moved onto to Raven's room after getting dressed.


Jon's POV

I knock on Raven's door, already knowing she wouldn't be awake. Sighing, I open the door slowly. "Raven?" I whisper. I walk in a bit more to find Raven and Arya cuddling. I smile making my way over to the bed. I shake Raven lightly, "Rave. Rave, come on it's time to wake up."

She groans "Leave me be, Jon."

I chuckle "You know I can't do that, sister."

"Fine." She moves to a sitting position, Arya stirs slightly as she continues to cling to Raven's chest.

"Want me to take her?" I offer

She shakes her head, "No, I've got her." I nod and leave my two sisters alone


Raven's POV

I slowly slide out of Arya's grasp, laying her on the bed lightly. I get dressed, pick up my little sister again and slowly carry her out of the room. I walk through the hustle and bustle of the staff to get to Arya's chambers. I open the to reveal Arya's hand maiden tidying up the bed. She looks up from what she is doing to look at me. "Oh, Lady Raven, I didn't hear you come in." She smiles genuinely

"No need for formalities, Beth. I am far from a Lady." 'Lady Stark saw to that years ago." I think to myself.

"As you wish, Raven. I see you have the troublemaker. I was wondering where the little lady was."

"We had a few issues during last night's storm." I explain setting Arya on her bed.

"Your father has already informed me. I'm sure he thought I would turn the castle upside down looking for her had I not known." We chuckle together at the thought

"Father knew? Oh no, I wonder if Lady Cat knows." A small twinge of worry runs through me

"Raven? Raven." Beth snaps out of my short daze. "You alright?"

"Huh? Oh yes, I'm just fine. I guess I blacked out for a second. Were you saying something?"

"Was I? Oh yes, I was just saying how proud your father seemed when he spoke of how you took care of Arya last night."

"He was proud of me?" She nods, my eyes well-up with a few tears. I blink them away before Beth is able to notice. "Well, I guess I should be going. I need to make sure Robb and Jon don't set anything ablaze while they're alone."

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