Chapter Twenty-Four

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Get ready because this is one of the longest chapters I have ever written of anything. Well over 4000 words without author's notes. I couldn't be stopped. This chapter is also a nice combination of the show, books, and original content. Now, I'll shut up and let you read.


Raven's POV

The time had come. The King wanted to set out early the next afternoon to begin the month-long trek to King's Landing, so the night before Robb gathered Jon, Theon, and myself outside for one last hurrah before we were to be separated. Ale had been passed around and Theon, who had made a point in being indifferent to Jon and I's departures, was drinking for sport

"You don't have to go," Robb told me, his words were sudden but obviously thought over, "While Father is South I'll be the Lord of Winterfell. What mother says won't hold as much weight. You said it yourself, Father would rather you stay here with me."

The offer was tempting, it was, but I couldn't take it. I sighed "So you'd rather me continue walking on eggshells around a woman who has never hidden her hatred for me? Robb, it is easier if I go, and the Mormonts are expecting me. I cannot go back on Father's plan."

"If you want me to say it, I will. I don't want you to leave. Winterfell is your home, you belong here with your family. It's not fair for you to be forced out because of my mother."

I set my hand upon his, "It will serve me well to see more of the world, even if it is still the North. And I will be only a few days ride from here, you could visit and I could return for events. This is not goodbye." I raised the flask he'd brought out and took a swig. The boys laughed as I grimaced at the taste

"You're excited then? To go to Bear Island?" Jon asked as the conversation lulled once again

I nodded, "I am. It may not be all that big of a change, which I am sure was a part of Father's plan, but I am excited for a challenge. You know they have gone through five tutors in the past year alone?"

"That girl must be a menace," Theon mused, "The two of you should get along swimmingly." he took a hefty drink from the flask, "I hope they don't intend for you to mellow her out, Snow."

Robb quickly grabbed the object from him, "Just admit you'll miss her and get on with your goodbyes already." he said making Jon and I laugh with him

The older boy huffed and snatched the flask back, "Whatever helps you sleep at night, Stark."

I gazed around the space, taking in every detail of the boys as I did. A sense of melancholy swept over me, "Let us enjoy our last night together boys for we may not get another just the four of us."


"Up and at 'em, Raven." Jacline's voice filled the room as she went about her routine, including the opening of the shutters, bombarding my eyes with the morning light

"Five minutes, Jac," I mumbled into my pillow

"I hope the boys didn't keep you out too late. We 'ave a long ride a'ead of us, and you 'ave goodbyes to say before we go." (1)

I hadn't planned on staying out as late as I had, but my brothers and I had the chore of carrying Theon back to his chambers after a few too many drinks. I sighed into the plush surface, "I'm up."

"Good," I could almost hear the grin on her face, "I've laid out your clothes for the day. I wouldn't dally getting dressed, the house boys will be up to collect your luggage within the, 'our."

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