Chapter Twenty-Five

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For my narrative purposes, Lyanna has been aged up a few years. Math says she would be around Rickon's age, if not younger, at the start of the story, but here she'll be about nine. Also, as just a general note, we're going more off the show and my own canon than we are the books from here on out.


Raven's POV

"Jac!" I shook my friend awake, "We're here!"

"What are ya on about?" she asked, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She had taken refuge down below to sleep in an attempt to ride out a bout of seasickness

"We're about to dock." I grabbed her hand excitedly, "Come up to the deck." I pulled her from the naval hammock she occupied

"I'm comin'. I'm comin'," she grumbled

Once we made it topside we stood on the bow, watching as Bear Island grew near, "There it is." I breathed, taking in the salty air as it blew across my face. 

There was a beat of silence before Jac spoke, "Thought it'd be bigger," I looked over at her before we both broke into fits of laughter. That very space of land had been highly anticipated and had been spoken of at length in the past few weeks. It was nice to finally set sight on the place we'd heard so much about. 

I took another deep breath of salty air as I stared at the castle. My anxiety hadn't hit its peak during our journey, but seeing Bear Island for the first time was enough to bring it to the surface.

"You'll do fine here, my friend," Jacline spoke encouragingly as she set a hand on my shoulder. She knew me too well for my own good

"I hope so, Jac," I replied, my eyes not leaving the growing form in front of me


No One's POV

Within the castle the She-Bear herself, Maege Mormont is having a word with her daughter, "Lyanna, your new tutor is arriving shortly, and I need you to promise to behave yourself with this one. I searched the whole of the North to find a suitable replacement for Tara."

"I don't see why you bothered." The girl crossed her arms over her chest with a huff, "I didn't need a new tutor."

"Had you not run the last four off there would be no need, but then again you did and her ship should be at the dock within the hour."

"And if I get rid of this one too?"

Maege sighed, "I will be forced to take Sir Wallace up on his offer,"

Lyanna's arms dropped back to her sides, "You wouldn't." her eyes wide

"You've given me no other choice, Lyanna. We were lucky Lord Stark was searching the North for someplace to house his daughter. You are out of options. If you scare off Raven Snow, Sir Wallace will take her place and he will not be so easily deterred." The girl said nothing, nodding mutely as she stared at the floor, "Now, now," Maege tilted her daughter's head up, her face softening ever so, "fret not. Lord Stark has assured me his daughter is kind and fair. She has three younger siblings, one of whom is the same age as you, who adore her. The two of you may just get along swimmingly." Again the girl nodded, "Now, let us meet her party at the gates."


Raven's POV

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