Chapter 24

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Alex's P.O.V

We were all at the reception and it was under a big tent cover in lights. It looked absolutely amazing. Caroline and Stefan were getting drinks when I walked over to them with Shawn and Hope. "Uncle Stefan!" They yelled and Caroline and Him turned to my children. I laughed as Stefan hugged them close, then walked over to Caroline. I hugged her and she hugged me back before we pulled away.

"You know I never had a Salvatore sister," I said to her and Stefan looked up at me while still hugging Shawn and Hope. "I have two that are Mikaelson, but now" I took Caroline's hand and smiled at her. "I have the best one of all," I said to her and she smiled. We hugged again before my kids ran to her and Hope looked up at me.

"Mommy, does this make Caroline an aunt now?" Hope asked and the three of us laughed before I nodded.

"Yes, darling it does," I said to her and both her and Shawn cheered in joy. Caroline started to talk to them while I began to talk to Stefan. "The wedding was beautiful."

"So was yours," Stefan said and I smiled sadly at the thought of Klaus not being here with me. Stefan noticed and brought me into a hug. I began to tear up and he rubbed my back. "Hey, no crying today's a happy day."

"These are happy tears," I said to him. I pulled away and he wiped the tears from my cheeks. "You got your happy ending. If anyone out of the three of us deserves a happy ending, it's you."

"Thank you," Stefan said and I smiled. "Thank you for being the best big sister in the world to me. You were there when I was at my darkest moments and my happiest. Shawn and Hope are the luckiest kids because you're their mother." I smiled at him sadly. I watched Caroline talk to my kids.

"I wish Klaus was here," I said quietly and looked at Stefan. "I don't know how long it will take me to get the cures for them, nor do I know how old Shawn and Hope will be when I finally do. I mean what if they're 27 by the time I save them. What then? Klaus would have missed out on everything -"

"You'll get him back, Lex." Stefan brought me into another hug. "You two always find each other. And I know you're hurting, but I promise I'm not leaving anytime soon." He said and I laughed.


"For Eternity."


Damon and I were dancing on the dance floor next to the newly married couple. Bonnie was watching the kids. I looked over at Stefan and Caroline to see them smiling at each other. You did it little brother, good on you.

"Why send the necklace, but skip the wedding?" Damon asked me and I rolled my eyes. Are we really going to talk about this now?

"Maybe she likes to begin standing you up," I said to him.

"Hmm." We looked at each other. "It's so nice to have you home, Alex. Warms my cold dead heart. " He said to me. Damon twirled me around and then pulled me back into his arms. I giggled as Hope ran up to me and tugged on my dress.

"Mama, mama!" Hope said and I looked down at her.

"Yes, sweetheart?" I asked her.

"Can I dance with Uncle Damon?" She asked and I laughed a little before Damon budded into our conversation.

"Why of course you can." He said and took Hope's hands.

I smiled before walking over to Shawn. Bonnie left to go check on Caroline's girls and I sat Shawn in my lap while watching Damon and Hope. She was standing in his shoes as Damon waltzed her around the dance floor. I heard Caroline giggled and looked to see both her and Stefan watching Damon and Hope. I laughed as Shawn fell asleep in my arms.

For Entirety (Only His Series: Book 5) *OLD VERSION*Where stories live. Discover now