Chapter 18

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Alex's P.O.V

I sat in an alleyway and closed my eyes, then rested my head in my lap.

~In Alex's Head~

I opened my eyes to find myself laying in bed. I felt I kiss on my shoulder and turned to see Klaus. I looked down and noticed I was naked and then looked at Klaus slightly embarrassed. I laid on my side facing him while he laughed at my red face. I wrapped my arm around his waist and hid my head on his shirtless chest.

"Why did you choose this memory?" I asked him and he pulled me closer to him, which caused me to giggle. Klaus started to kiss my neck and I laughed loudly when he hovered over me, not moving away from my neck.

"Because it was the first day we got to spend with each other with a married couple." Klaus kissed my neck. "Without the kids crying." He added on and I laughed as I hit his chest playfully. He kissed all over my neck and face as I laughed.

"Hey, hey..." I said to him and he looked at me. I kissed him and kissed him back. I pulled away with my hands playing with his hair as I smiled at him. "Klaus, have you ever been so annoyed with someone you want to kill them?" I asked and he laughed.

"Yes, I think I know the feeling," Klaus said and I laughed. Right. I closed my eyes because of how stupid I felt, then opened them again to see him still staring at me. My eyes soften and I lightly placed my hand on his cheek. I rubbed it and he smirked at me as I looked into his eyes. "Where are you right now?"

"In an alleyway, in some city, Damon took me too with Kai," I said and Klaus looked at me confused.

"I thought Kai died," Klaus said and I nodded.

"He did and went to hell. Then Matt rang this evil bell because Stefan compelled him to, 11 times. Which leads to Cade coming to our world...and Kai apparently." I explained and Klaus moved over then leaned against the headboard. I sat up and turned to him.

"Who's Cade?" He asked and I laughed.

"The Devil. Also known as my boss." I said and Klaus looked at me shocked. Before he could say anything I explained. "Damon accidentally sold my soul over to the Devil with Stefan. He didn't know till the deal was written in stone and then came the worst Christmas in the history of Christmas."

"You work for the Devil?" Klaus said and I nodded slowly.

"I think. Or I'm off the hook....I'm not sure."

"What do you do for him?" Klaus asked and I looked down.

"Kill evil people and send them to hell," I mumbled and there was silence. I twiddled my thumbs and Klaus grabbed my hands with both of his. I looked up at him and he smiled. Klaus kissed me and I kissed him back. "What was that for?"

"I wanted to kiss you one more time before you woke up." Klaus is and I looked at him confused.


"Alex!" I opened my eyes to see Kai bent down in front of me. I looked around for Damon and didn't see him. "Are you ok?" Kai asked and I nodded. "No, you're not crying." I felt a tear under my eye and wiped it away.

"I-I'm fine." I got up and walked around him. "I thought I told you not to follow me," I said to him and he looked at me.

"Damon went to go get the car and told me to find you. I explained how you told me not to but if I want his forgiveness I have to do as he says." Kai said and I looked away, trying to find a way out of this conversation. "Are you sure you're ok?" I looked back at him and scoffed.

"As if you care," I said and walked away. Kai grabbed my wrist and I turned to him.

"Despite what you might think, I do care. You are the only one I can stand when it comes to you, Salvatores -"

"It's Mikaelson." I corrected him and he laughed. He looked down shaking his head as he laughed.

"No it's not and you know it." I looked down and he sighed then let go of my wrist. I looked up at him. "No matter who you marry, no matter where you end'll always be a Salvatore and so will those kids," Kai explained and I walked up closer to him positively.

"Don't talk about my kids," I growled.

"If you want them to have the life you never did...then take my advice," Kais said and I laughed in disbelief. I started to walk away when he shouted towards me. "Listen to me, Alex!" I turned to him. "I know what it's like to be an outcast ok?"

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do!" He yelled and I went quiet. "My family made me this way because of how they treated me! An outcast! An Abomination to witchcraft!" I looked down and then back up at him with softer eyes. Kai calmed down and sighed. He walked up to me and I just stood there.

"What's your advice?" I asked him quietly.

"Change their name. Change your and their back to Salvatore. People won't come looking for you and your kids will get a normal life." Kai explained and I looked down. He was right. As long as they had the name Mikaelson they would have an unending list of enemies. "The Salvatore's aren't being hunted, but the Mikaelson's are. I get that you have to save them, I do, just...go by Salvatore. Please." Kai said and I felt tears, but I held them in.

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked him and he brushed a bit of my hair from my face.

"Because you're my friend." He said and I felt one teardrop. "And friends help each other. Now please listen to me. Change their name." I nodded and he hugged me. I just stood there.

"I will."

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