Chapter 4

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Alex's P.O.V

Sybil went with Peter into the kitchen to clean him up. I then pinned Damon to the wall and held him there this time. He didn't even try to fight me. "Well, you ruined Christmas for all of us!" I said and let him go.


"Oh, no." I turned back to him and he went quiet. "You want me to not be angry with you, then tell me the truth. Why am I here, Damon?" I asked and he looked away from me.

"Alex, please don't -"

"Damon just told-" He cut me off.

"You were part of the deal!" Damon yelled. I looked at him confused then looked at everyone else who seemed shocked. I turned back to my brother and he looked upset, with himself. "In order to save Caroline's kids, I had to give Stefan over to Cade. We didn't know you were part of the deal till Stefan agreed." Damon explained.

"That's why you called me here? To take me away from my kids?" I asked him and Damon shook his head as he walked up to me, but I backed away from him. "I lost everything and now you expect me to leave my kids!"

"I was hoping you wouldn't come," Damon said and I gave him a fake laugh.

"Well, maybe you shouldn't have called me then!" I yelled at him and he raised his voice.

"I didn't have a choice!" Damon shouted. "I didn't know he wanted you to."

"Then cancel the deal and find another way!"

"I couldn't," Damon said and walked closer to me.

"Why not?" I shouted at him. I was so angry and flustered with him by now. He knew it and grabbed my shoulders so I was looking at him. I saw him, I saw my Damon staring at me. He was trying to protect something.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I didn't have a choice. Cade said he would kill Shawn and Hope, with a snap of his finger, if you didn't come with us and I couldn't take that chance." Damon explained and I stared at him in shock. I was speechless when Damon let go of my shoulders. The room was silent and looked down as tears fell down my cheeks.

"What?" My breath got caught in my throat as Damon looked at me sadly. "Umm...What does he want me to do?" I asked him and Damon looked away as he answered.

"To turn off your emotions." He said and Caroline walked over.

"Hell no-"

"She doesn't have a choice, Care," Damon said and looked at her. Caroline went quiet and I just stared at Damon. I've never done that before...never once in 176 years have I done that. "There's no other way. Believe me, Stefan and I are tired. Sybil screwed us over and offered all three of us to Cade without my knowledge." Damon stopped talking when he saw all the sadness I wore on my face. "I'm so sorry, Alex. If there was another way you wouldn't be here."

I looked down then wiped off my tears before looking back up. "So, I can't die." Damon nodded. "I have to turn off my emotions." He nodded again. "Then I have to kill innocent-ish people for Cade to feed on," I said and Damon nodded.

"He said he would make sure nothing happened to your children if you did that. That we would have to stay 500 hundred miles away from them, but only if you agreed." Damon explained to me. I looked scared, worried, and sad all at the same time.

"I'm going to kill Sybil," I said to him while crying and he laughed.

"Get in line," Damon said and I smiled at him. He walked up to me and wiped my tears. "I'll help you, make sure you don't kill too many people. I'm the only one keeping on his emotions...kind of?" I laughed and we hugged. Now, this is a Salvatore family Christmas. Crying while hugging, whether it's sad or not.

"Mom?" I heard a tired voice say. I looked behind Damon to see Hope standing there. Damon and I looked at each other and he nodded. I walked up to her and smiled as I bent in front of her.

"Yeah, baby girl, why are you still up?" I asked her kindly and she ran into my arms, holding me tight.

"I had a nightmare." She said and I frowned.

"What was it about?" I asked her and she pulled out of the hug to look at me.

"You, Damon, and Stefan were in this were surrounded by people laying on the floor...and they were all dead." Hope explained and cried a little as she did. I looked back and Damon and he seemed worried as I turned back to Hope. I lifted her chin and smiled at her as I wiped her tears.

"It's ok, Hope," I said and brought her into a hug. "It was only a dream...I promise." She pulled away and looked at me.

"Pinky promise?" She asked and held out her picky. I was hesitant and wrapped my picky around her with a smile.

"Pinky promise," I said and smiled. Hope yawned and I giggled as she rubbed her eyes. "Are you tired?" She nodded sleepily and I picked her up. I turned to everyone as Hope looked at them as she almost fell asleep. "Say goodnight and Merry Christmas to everyone."

"Merry Christmas," Hope said and fell asleep on my shoulder. I looked at Damon and smiled sadly. I walked my daughter back up to her room and put her to bed. 

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