Chapter 14 (fully edited) 1760

Start from the beginning

"I want to thank my best friend Kyrenia for everything she has done, so I invite her to sing a song with me." Marissa had been drinking, and I guess that was my new name or the best she could pronounce.

The crowd started cheering, "Kyrenia, Kyrenia, Kyrenia!" and just hearing the crowd chant me on made me feel like I was one of them. Most of them were completely drunk, but what did you expect at a mask party? The chanting continued, and I eventually gave in after about two minutes.

One of my favorite single-person songs started playing. At that moment, I was a singer in my own little world. I also knew everybody was mostly drunk. Even if I sucked, nobody would remember because they were all red-nosed. I got on the stage, and somehow while I was wearing my mask, the words poured out of my mouth, filled with emotion. 

The mystery man came into the crowd and stuck out like a sore thumb. Even though he looked like everybody else, he made me spill tears from my eyes. He came by only when I was halfway through the song. I couldn't believe it; I started shaking and holding back tears because this song reminded me of Lee. When I was singing, I felt so emotional and didn't know what to do. 

This whole time I was singing the song, my eyes caught the Mystery Man in the crowd, and I couldn't stop staring at his beautiful brown eyes. It just made my heart melt looking at him. I wish I knew who he was and why he had to keep it a secret.

After I sang with Marissa, singing backup vocals, we decided that we were going to wait for Mystery Man by the car. Just then, some people approached us and talked to us like we were part of the group.

"Hey, you guys sing well. Do you go to high school?" questioned the group of men. They looked at me, up and down my body. Checking me out.

"Yes, we do!" we implied, trying to fit into the crowd. Even though it was true, we wanted to fit in with everybody else.

"Are you talking about Aura Highschool?" They questioned. I knew that Aura high school was the school my mom taught at.

"Yes, we go there too!" Yes, we were not from the elite, but we got a chance to be remarkable once. We took it and ran with it. Once again, I wanted to fit in for a change, which wasn't different from how I truly felt.

"What are your names?" they asked Marissa and me. I couldn't think at that moment. I was trying to think, but my head was spinning.

"I'm Ky..." I stopped because I didn't want them to know who I indeed was. I stuttered. I had to spew out a name. Although, The voices seemed familiar, and I was afraid I knew them.

I blurted out, "Kyrenia, and this is..." The word vomit once again came out. I couldn't stop it, and I kept glancing around us.

"I'm Natalia," said Marissa. I had thought Marissa had said my name because she had been drinking. She was on her A game and protecting me once again. She knew what was going on all along!

"Great to meet you guys. I'm Neisha, and this is my friend, Leah." I wish I could have kicked her in the mouth because we all knew she had it coming.

"Oh, yea, we know who you are! You guys are like the popular girls!"

"Yes, we are!" They smiled. I wanted to wipe that smug look off their faces, but Natalia pulled me back and whispered in my ear that it wasn't worth it. It wasn't worth them knowing our true identities.

"Aren't you dating Lee?" I questioned as I wondered about her response. I couldn't stop obsessing over him. By this time I should have moved on, but I couldn't.

"Why is it any of your business?" she snottily interrogated me.

"Oh, it's just that I saw you guys at school, and I was just wondering?" I was trying not to seem evident because she couldn't know.

", we aren't. We're just friends. I mean, I am dating his best friend!" I knew he was single now; maybe he wasn't a bad guy.

"Oh, ok. I understand, but Lee wouldn't be a bad idea" I winked at her, hoping for a wrong response. In that minute Marissa's words from one of the first days she had met me flashed back into my head "everybody has problems, and most problems will resurface in time."

"Most times I do it to make fun of a girl because I know she is obsessed with him," she replied. I was furious; she didn't like Lee; she just did it to mess with me. That hurt a lot.

Without seeming nosy, I said, "that Kylie girl, you do it to mess with her even though I'm sure Lee is a fine handsome man indeed."

"I mean, yeah, but I ain't about to cheat on my boyfriend." She was true; she wasn't evil; there must have been something that made her hate me, something that I did. I enjoyed spending time with her, even if it was a facade. In my time as Kyrenia, I realized that she didn't hate me and didn't make fun of me just because. Neisha felt insecure about herself, which is why she made fun of me. It was to make herself feel better about herself. At this time, I hadn't felt threatened by her but worried about what she would say to me next.

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