Chapter 36

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Wedding day...(few years later)

Beautiful? Magical? I could not put into words all the emotions I felt as I was in my bridal suite. I looked at my wedding dress hanging on the mirror. It was a beautiful satin  a-line dress. Nothing too much, really simple and elegant. I felt butterflies in my stomach as I realized what is going to happen in less than an hour. I smiled to myself. I am going to get married to the most wonderful man ever.

-There you are!-Lea said as she handed me a glass of champagne
-I will need a bit of help with zipping up my dress.-I said
-No problem, I'll help you.-she said

Lea was the best friend you could ever wish for. She was always there for me even at my worst. That's why I chose her for my maid of honor. She was so happy when I asked her.

She zipped up my dress and I looked in the mirror. Is that really me? A ten year old girl wanting to only sing. I still was a ten year old somewhere deep inside but I was about to become much more than that. A woman. A wife. If life blesses me maybe even a mother.

-Are you crying oh my God.-Lea said giving me a tissue
-Happy tears...-I said

It was time for my other bridesmaids to come so I quickly touched up my makeup.
i was again standing in front of the mirror now fully dressed with veil attached to my hair. This was getting more real with every passing minute.

-Hey Dea, it's time.-Lea said quickly and then got back in the hall

I looked at the mirror once more and smiled.
I walked down the stairs and found myself in front of the door which opened few seconds after. My bridesmaids walked first an threw some rose petalson the floor. After them I started walking down the isle. I looked up and saw Kris in a black suit nervously smiling at me. After that smile I forgot about everything. People, surroundings, everything. I could only see Kris.
After a little speach the main part of the ceremony.
And I again forgot about everything. Only person I saw was Kris. We didn't prepare anything special for the vows but I was a little surprised when he started his.

-Dear Andrea. I know we decided not to do anything special but I decided to say something special for you. We met doing what we love: singing. That day I knew you were something special. I fell in love with you at first sight. We've been trough a lot...we hurt eachother, we fought but despite all of that we still loved eachother. And that is important. I love you Andrea. Until my last breath.-he said, his eyes shining and a tear escaping  his eye

I cried while listening.

-I love you too.-I said

After all of that we exchanged rings.

-I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.-

We looked into eachother's eyes and then  he leaned in and kissed me.

After we parted I said:

-Until my last breath.-

                      Until my last breath.



I have nothing else to say than enjoy.
Stay safe,

Beautiful Mess •Kristian Kostov• Where stories live. Discover now