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Hey everybody !! I am Andrea Maletić and I live in Zagreb. I'm writing and singing. I'm a big fan of music shows. Such as: The Voice. But still my beloved is Eurovision. This year I watched her and of course I watched and there were some nice guys out there. And immediately I saw Kristian. God how perfect he is. If I know that I will probably never see him in life, I'm not one of those who give up easily. Until now I had an incredible happiness in my life. Even if I'm 16, I travel a lot in Europe for a singer's career. I was told outside of Croatia but still did not tell me where. Someone called me:


Good day! Is that Miss Andrea?

Yes, It is me!

We wanted to inform you that a concert will be held in Bulgaria. It will be more like a little party in cast Kristian Kostov. What are the tapes?

Yes of course. When do I leap?

In two days. You will get more details in the letter. I'll let you know. Thank you!

Nothing, nothing. Goodbye!

I cut the call.


I literally screamed. Mom entered the room.

- What happened to Andrea, what happened?
- Momma ............ I AM GOING TO BULGARIA!!! -
- I'm so proud of you !! -
My  dreams come true. Halooo Bulgaria !!!! And the concert is in the cast of Kris !!!! -
-ahahahah !! And when do you get it?
For two days, I have to be at the airport at 9 o'clock pm . Tomorrow I should get a letter with a card.-
-That's. By the way, get out of here and here's some money, go buy some good combination for the show-
-Thanks Mom-

I hugged her and packed. I took my purse, put my cell phone and money into it and headed for the shopping center. I did not want something exaggerated, but nothing more than usual. Maybe pencil skirt? Or dress? Ughhhh.  As far as I know I had to wear 2 dresses because I'm going to change. Aaaaaa fuck that means two pairs of shoes and a different makeup.I decided on these two dresses:

One black naturally because Kris likes black

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One black naturally because Kris likes black.

One black naturally because Kris likes black

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The other one was more my taste. And now heels...

Along with the first I took some blacks with sparkles

And with second dress I took heels with straps in nude colour

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And with second dress I took heels with straps in nude colour

And with second dress I took heels with straps in nude colour

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I was pleased. As for my makeup.. I take a red lipstick and a smokey eyes palette with my first dress, while with other dress red lipstick and nude eye palette.

~ ~ Home
-Mama I've come !!
-Hej honey! Can I see what you bought?
-Yes of course!

I showed her dresses and heels and explained to her what I would have for a makeup. She liked my taste very much.

-Andrea! Before you sleep, here's this.

She offered me a little blue and white box.

-What is that?

- They're contact lenses In case you don't want to wear glasses at the concert.
-Thank you Mom!-

I broke into my room and immediately lounged in bed and fell asleep
. .

Hi everybody! Here's my new story! It's about Kristian Kostov. If you do not know, he has been representing Bulgaria this year at Eurosong, he is 17 years old, and of course handsome. Enjoy!!!
P.S. The picture above is how Andrea looks.

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