Chapter 31

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Next few days were crazy. I was packing all my clothes and essentials. I decided to leave the apartment to Lea. She could move in since she didn't have her own place and she could do whatever she wanted to the apartment since she was studying interior design(she was really good at it).
Two days before I had to go, I remembered a thing. I have nowhere to go at all. Wow. Just beautiful. Oh my God Andrea you are so stupid. I looked for my phone and called Kris.

-Hey beautiful. Are you doing well. I haven't heard from you since that day.-he said softly
-I am great thank you. I have good news and a question going with the news.-I said
-Ohhh what is it?-he said with excitement
-First of all I got my first real contract from one company. You are not going to believe.-I started
-Omg congrats which one?-he asked
-It is from the Moscow one. And that question....can I stay at your place at least when I don't find an apartment or something?-I asked
-Are you kidding me? That is amazing. And you are asking stupid questions of course but under one condition.-he said pretending to be serious
-What is it?-I asked
-You ain't gonna search for an apartment. You're gonna move in with me.-he said
-Oh God Kris, I mean thank you but are you sure?-I asked axiously
-Of course I am I love you and I won't let you live by your own in the new city. I am kinda lonely in the house anyway.-he said giggling
-Thank you so much and I love you to. You can prepare, I am coming in 2 days.-I said
-Don't worry everything will be ready.-he said and I could hear happiness in his tone
2 days later

The time passed so quickly. I still couldn't believe I was moving to Moscow and following my dreams. My mom, Lea and Ali went with me to the airport. It was really hard to say goodbye to all of them especially my mom who was my support since I was little. We both let out a few tears but I promised her I would visit. After all the goodbyes I took my hand luggage and started walking to the gate. I turned around and waved them for the last time. I took a breath and whispered to myself: I will miss this. After all, Zagreb was my hometown, I grew up there, and all of my best and worst memories, together with a piece of my heart will stay there. Now I can finally say I got a chance for a new, fresh start.
Attention to all the passengers! We are about to land in Moscow please fasten your seatbelts.

The voiceover woke me up. I slept trough the whole flight as usual.
When we landed I could feel my heartbeat raise up. I was nervous and excited. I took a taxi to Kristian's house. Butterflies were forming in my stomach from excitement.
I paid the taxi driver, went up to Kris's door and rang the bell.
It took him few seconds to open.

-Welcome!-he said and hugged me before I could even look up to him(hehe I'm short).
-Thank you Kr....omg are you okay?-I asked as soon as I saw his face

He was white, his eyes were red and he looked awful, like he didn't sleep for days.

-I'm ok.-he said

I noticed right away he wasn't his cheerful self, I lightly pushed him inside and closed the door. I put a hand on his forhead.

-Baby you are burning. You have fever, you have to lay down.-I said
-I probably should, my head is spinning from yesterday morning. I wen't to the doctor. He gave me medicine and told me to rest but I was just so excited about you coming and didn't want you to worry.-he said looking at the floor.
-You should have listened to the doctor, it will only get worse if you don'z rest.- I said while walking with him to the couch.

I laid him down and gave him a blanket. As I was abou to go and make him a tea he lightly grabbed my hand.

-Stay here with me please.-he said
-I'm just going to make you a tea, don't worry I am not going to leave you alone like this.-I said and smiled

After I made that tea I sat on the longer part of the l-shaped couch. As I lifted my legs up, he moved up and put his head on my leg. I smiled to myself and started running my fingers trough his hair. I never understood how could it be so soft. I take pretty good care of my hair and it's never that soft.
After a while I just drifted to sleep.
Few days passed and I finally signed the contract. I can't tell you how amazing the feeling was. All the work I did trough the years finally paid off. Kris recovered from that feever. Thank God it wasn't anythimg serious. I was slowly getting used to living in Moscow and living with Kris. It was never boring to be with him.
He went with me to the company and was right next to me when I was signing the contract. Later we went out for a coffee and then home.

-I'm cooking today.-I said making my way towards the kitchen
-I was just about to say that but if you really want....What will you cook?-he asked
-It's a surprise!-I said and smiled

He smiled back and left a kiss on my forhead. I was about to open the fridge and Kris came to the kitchen with my phone.

-Someone is calling you. It says Paul on the screen.-he said
-Oh my old manager.-I said and took the phone

-Hey Paul. How come you're calling me?-I asked
-First of all to say congratulations for signing a contract. There was also one last thing that I needed you to know before you start working with your new manager.-he said and I didn't really like the tone of his voice
-Thank you so much you are the reason I am where I am. And what did you want to tell me?-I said
-Well you are not going to like it...-he said and took a breath
Just as everything was going well.....
Well, finally a bit longer chapter. I hope you like it. I also hope that you are safe and careful considering the coronavirus situation.
Stay healthy and take care!
Lots of love, Viktorija❤

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