Chapter 24

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Lea came running towards me. I was still on my knees shaking and crying.

-What happened with you and Kris?-she asked
-Ali kissed me. I kiseed him back. And Kris saw it.-I said with tears still blurring my vision
-What? Oh my God. But wait why did you kiss him back? I know that you love Kris.-she asked
-I don't even know.-I said
-You know what, I'll let you rest a bit then we'll talk.-she said

I walked to my room and just laid on the bed.
I didn't even know what emotion I felt. It was all just mixed up. I mostly felt like shit. The rest of it was weird. I was angry at myself. I was tbinking of everything that was happening to Kris and now I did this. I wanted to scream. And just like that I started crying again. His words just hit me again like a ton of bricks. The sentence that was the most painful was I don't need you anymore.
It was like a knife trough my heart. But it was all my fault. I did it. Ali is a nice guy, but at this point I wish I never met him.

Kris P.O.V

I went to the hotel and asked for a room that was reserved for me.
As soon as I walked inside I just sat on the floor my back on the door. Why, why, why.....
I clenched my fists and started punching the floor. Then I just started crying and hugged my knees. Why is this happening zo me now. I still wasn't okay from my breakdown two weeks ago and now this happens. Things are just adding up and I don't know what to do. I wanted to jump from a cliff, scream or whatever just to remove this pain and feeling of emptiness. I decided to just go to the bed and sleep.

Week later-day of the concert

Andrea P.O.V

It was the day of Kristian's concert. I bought 2, for me and Lea. In the past week I was thinking should I go or not. I decided to go because it would be a shame for the tickets, and despite all of this I still love his music.
My mom was supposed to come but things got complicated with work and for some reason all of the planes for Croatia were put off for the next 2 weeks, so she will come next week.
I was finishing putting my makeup on when Lea came to me.

-Are you sure you want to go?-she asked me
-Yes.-I said but I wasn't 100% sure

I wore a full black outfit. Didn't really feel like wearing anything else. I did a really light makeup look and straightened my hair.
We arrived to the place of the concert by taxi since neither of us had a car. There were a lot of girls there.
Concert started, and I was going trough it. Kristian noticed me since I was almost right next to the stage but he pretended not to care.
The middle of the concert passed and I managed to survive, but I still felt that pain from week ago. The next song started. It was Rift. That broke me down. That song hurt me so bad. I put my head down and started to cry. I couldn't do this anymore and just made my way to the exit. Lea just followed me out.

Kris P.O.V

I saw her go out when Rift started. Maybe it was for the best.

Andrea P.O.V

I felt the fresh air and I still felt that piercing pain.

-Should we go home?-Lea asked
-Yes please-I said

We again took a taxi back to my house.

-Do you want to talk about it?-Lea asked as we enterd my house
-I think I do.-I said
-Go change I will make us some hot chocolate and we'll talk.-she said

I went to my room, took my makeup of and changed into my pj's. I went back downstairs and felt the smell of hot chocolate.
Lea put it on a table in the living room.

-You always knew how to make the best one.-I said

She laughed. Then we sat and talked. We talked for 3 and a half hours straight and then went to sleep.
Another one. All of this depresses me a lot tho. But I still hope you like it.

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