Chapter 35

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Kris was behind me on one knee and was holding a box with a ring inside. I covered  mouth with my hand. I actually couln't believe this was happening.

-I know this is sudden and completely unexpected but I felt like it was the right time. We went trough a lot in past 3 years. There were ups and downs but we went trough it and it only made us stronger. I want you to know that I love you no matter what. Andrea... Will you marry me?-he asked

At this point I already was teary and my hands were shaking.

-Of course I will.-I managed to say

He got up and put the ring on my finger. I kissed him softly and continued my happy cry on his shoulder.
As we were walking home I still couldn't believe what happened. I was smiling the whole way home.

When we got home, Lea was on the couch watching TV. As soon as she turned around I lifted my hand showing the ring. She gasped and almost jumped on me.

-OH MY GOD! I am so happy for you!-she said hugging me tightly

I was still so shocked and couldn't believe that Kris proposed.
After I did my night routine, I went out on the balcony and leaned on the balcony fence. The sky was so clear and the stars were shining so brightly. As I was thinking, I felt hands around my waist and head on my shoulder. I smiled to myself.

-Hey Kris...-I said
-Hey babe.-he said and smiled back

We were standing there for a few moments in silence and then I turned around and looked at him.
Moon was lightning up his face and he literally looked like an angel.

-I love you.-I said
-Love you more.-he said
-Impossible.-I chuckled

I pulled his face close to mine and kissed him. He pulled me closer so there was no gap between us.
When he pulled away I smiled and leaned my back on his chest.
We were watching the stars together in silence. I never realized how much this guy loved me. He suffered because of me and had his heart broken by me but he still loved me. I never tought I would find a person like that. When he forgave me I realized that he was the person in my life who would stand by me untill the end.

Sorry for a late update but I had a lot of stuff going on at home and didn't really have time to write.
I hope you will enjoy this short but sweet chapter.

Viktorija ❤️

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