Part 28: Broken Gaze.

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"That seemed way too easy," Stiles said as he watched Zalac and Dala leave, "and why didn't you just break the chains?"

"I, um, I thought that it wouldn't really matter. No one really cares anyway, I'm alone. I realised that after they brought me outside; there was no point in fighting back." Scott looked down, "And I'm an omega, I'm too weak."

"What about Kira?"

"When she left, she also left my Pack, and, well, me. And since I'm no longer an alpha, I can't make a new Pack."

"And your mom?" Stiles raised an eyebrow, challenging.

"I, urm. I didn't really think about her. I was a dick to her, too, so I just thought..."

"Huh, well, you're an idiot." Stiles cuffed Scott over the back of the head, "just because you think no one cares doesn't mean you should just let people kidnap you."

"I don't think that's the only reason I'm an idiot." Scott rubbed at the back of his head, still refusing to look Stiles or Derek in the eye.

"Well, no shit. What made you finally realise that?" Stiles asked.

When Scott glanced up, still not fully meeting their gaze, Derek growled low in his throat and flashed his eyes red. Stiles didn't stop him, just took his hand in his own. He could feel Scott's eyes fall to their hands but ignored it in favour of prompting him to talk.

"I had been thinking about it for a little while but after Kira left... Well I had a lot of free time to think and her leaving made me sort of understand that I was alone in what I had done and, well, I know just saying sorry isn't enough but I want to try to fix things. No matter how long it takes." He sat down on a fallen tree by the lake and finally looked up at Stiles and Derek. "I lost my alpha power completely after Kira left, too. I had felt it dwindling but I chose to ignore it, I thought that I was just adjusting to having such a small Pack."

"You're right, a 'sorry' won't be enough. But I came here to give you a second chance, not because you deserve one but because that's what we do. And because I don't think I could rest knowing that you threw away years of friendship just like that; with no remorse." Stiles said.

"Stiles, I know this doesn't make what I did better, but part of the reason I did it was because I was scared. I was scared of losing Isaac and I was angry that you weren't human any more. That, and the fact that you didn't tell me."

"I didn't tell you because I was afraid of losing you. You and The Pack. None of them reacted like this, Derek walked in on me drinking blood and he still stayed. Liam was your beta and he stayed." After a little persuasion, Stiles thought but didn't say. "Jackson doesn't even really like me and he stayed. They stayed and they helped me become human again because that is what real friends do: stick by you and help you when they can. They do not run when you need them the most." Stiles took a deep breath, allowed Derek to wrap an arm around his waist and let the slow rise and fall of his chest calm him.

Scott let his head fall into his hands, hid his tears and choked on a sob before he finally managed to speak again, "I know. I fucked up and I don't know how or if I can fix it, but I want to go home. I want to see my mom and I want to talk to Isaac and The Pack. I want to try to make up for everything even if that takes years." He hiccuped, pushed his hair out of his face and looked up at them. He looked so innocent, so broken and hurt by what he had done, his eyes puffy, red-rimmed and imploring, lip trembling, hands shaking even where they clung to his sides, arms wrapped around himself.

Scott looked lost in himself, so truly regretful and pained by the way he had acted it almost didn't seem right. Like an act. There was no way that in the short amount of time that had passed since they last saw each other Scott had changed his perspective on what he had done, right? "Scott, I want you to look me in the eyes and tell me that what you did was a mistake, tell me that you're sorry and mean it." He gave Derek a significant look and got a nod in response.

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