Part 3: The Truth.

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"It'll be fine," Lydia said on a long-suffering sigh as it had to have been the fifth time since they got here she'd had to tell Stiles that. Stiles knew she was right, especially considering how well it went with his dad.

He had waited until he and Noah would have time to sit down and talk without him having to go to work halfway through. Unfortunately for Stiles, that had been the day after Derek had found out.

As soon as they had both sat down for dinner – he could still eat normal food as long as he kept up a healthy diet of blood – The Sheriff had known something was wrong and had told Stiles as such. It had taken him a few minutes and several attempts before he'd finally decided to just say it flat out. He had expected yelling or storming out or threats to be made about him cutting communication to The Pack or something, anything except what he did get as a response. The elder man chuckled softly and at first Stiles thought that his dad hadn't taken him seriously but that wasn't the case at all. In fact, he was then informed that Noah had known for a while, or at least suspected, but was waiting for Stiles to tell him.

After Stiles calmed down from laughing because he was apparently really bad at keeping secrets – which he found all the more hilarious when he remembered how long he'd kept the supernatural from his dad originally – he asked his dad what gave it away. It turned out his dad had been looking for an old jewellery box that his mother, Claudia, owned and when he couldn't find it in his own room he had checked Stiles'. He'd seen the cooler, found the blood and panicked at first. He had thought it was human until he noticed the rats. After a bit of thought, he decided not to ask Stiles, as he was worried Stiles wouldn't want to tell him, so instead went to talk to Deaton. Deaton had told him everything in vague detail, leaving him with more questions than he'd come to the man with but thought it best to wait for Stiles to be ready.

Stiles was glad his dad knew, they felt closer than ever, and it lifted a weight off his shoulders. He'd known where the box was and given it to his dad and that was that. Though The Sheriff had a few questions and concerns, Stiles managed to answer them all. Noah was delighted to learn that Deaton was working on a way for Stiles to age because he wanted Stiles to be able to have as normal of a life as possible. He was also not at all surprised to find out Lydia had gone the more ambitious route and was looking for a "cure" – they both preferred to call it a 'way out', as Lydia had had to remind him constantly, Stiles was not damaged.

So Stiles had high hopes for telling the rest of The Pack, knowing that if things were to go wrong he'd still have his father. Lydia and Derek also didn't hurt.

"Yeah, I know but I can't help but be worried nonetheless." There was no backing out now though, basically, the whole Pack was inside, waiting. That thought did nothing for Stiles' nerves.

Derek pulled the door open and leaned against it, "You coming in?" With a hesitant nod, Stiles followed after Derek, Lydia not far behind.

"Stiles, are you okay?" Isaac asked, eyes assessing as he pushed a curl of hair from his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm okay, Pup." He cleared his throat, reminding himself of what his dad told him: "If they don't accept you, they were never really your friends." He sat down, looking over at everyone. Well almost everyone; Jackson and Ethan were somewhere else (Stiles wasn't sure where exactly) and Kira was out with her family but it didn't matter because he could tell them the next time he saw them and it would be easier. Though he and Jackson didn't hate each other, Stiles still struggled to get along with him. "I need to tell you all something."

He waited until everyone was sitting, paying attention before he said anything. Once that happened he took a deep, relaxing breath and said, "So, I need you to listen to everything before you freak out." Everyone promised to do so looking progressively more concerned as Stiles spoke. "Remember when the vampires came to town a few months ago?" When he got nods from everyone he went on to tell them all what happened – from him going outside until they turned him – Derek and Lydia stepping in when necessary. It took a few moments of watching everyone's stunned faces before he could tell them about the human and never wanting to drink human blood again. He expressed his guilt for his actions but explained to them how he couldn't help it. By this point Derek was sitting next to him, holding his hand in an attempt to ground him.

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