Part 10: One Day.

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Derek watched silently as Stiles explained everything to Jackson and Ethan. In reality, he wanted to push everyone out the door to talk to Stiles privately; the words "our first kiss" ringing in his ears like the echo of a train in a tunnel. Stiles had hoped for a better first kiss, did that mean he wanted to kiss him or was it just something he had said to set Derek's mind at ease? If it was the latter, it had failed rather miserably.

This should not have been the main thing on Derek's mind right now, he knew that. They had more pressing matters to attend to and judging by the look on Lydia's face, she had some rather important discoveries to share. But Stiles was still busy explaining everything to Jackson and Ethan and clearing up some lies spread by Scott, as it seemed. Which successfully dragged Derek back to the present. He pulled himself together, with the resolve of talking to Stiles later, and put his attention on the trio.

"So, he told you that I was a murderous, lying, couple ruining monster?"

"Well, pretty much, yes." Jackson, for once, avoided joking or sassing. In fact, he looked genuinely pissed off at Scott.

"What a conniving bastard!" Stiles started pacing the length of his room, "I can't believe him, why would he try to turn you against me? Of course, he would." Stiles hit himself in the forehead with his palm. "Why would he not, is the real question. He's... God, I hate him!" Derek could see Stiles swaying as he paced, see his eyes glisten and hear his voice catch. He knew if he didn't do anything soon Stiles wouldn't stop talking and overexert himself - he was already exhausted.

So he stood up and when Stiles span around to continue his pacing, he walked straight into Derek's chest. Although Jackson snickered (quickly silenced by Ethan stamping on his foot), Stiles didn't seem perturbed, just let Derek hold him, relaxed into his arms. It didn't stop his rambling but it did convince the other two males to leave, finally.

Derek tightened his grip on Stiles and glanced over at Lydia who seemed lost in her own thoughts. "Can it wait?" he mouthed after getting her attention. She nodded, stood up and followed after Jackson, quietly. She seemed as though she had some research to do anyway.

Derek lifted a still mumbling Stiles up and placed him in bed. "It's going to be okay." He said but regretted it as soon as it left his mouth.

"No, no it's not. He was my brother, Derek, My goddamned brother! And now he's trying to turn Pack against me? We were supposed to be in this together, that's what brothers do, they stick together, through thick and thin." He shook his head, "Maybe I knew this would happen all along, maybe that's why it took me so long to tell him."

They'd had a conversation like this before, but then Stiles had been adamant that he didn't hate Scott, and maybe he still didn't, not really. "Is it selfish that I wish I hadn't, is it? Because if I hadn't said anything then Isaac would still be in a relationship with him and not crying at Danny's. But that would be a good thing." Derek stopped him there.

"No, it would not be a good thing, Stiles. You got him out of a bad relationship, you should be glad."

"But I'm not!" Stiles made to stand but Derek pulled him tighter against his chest, shushing him quietly. "How can I be after I've turned him against me?" Stiles' voice caught painfully in his throat again. He didn't fight against Derek's hold, even as he ranted on about everything. Derek did listen, he listened to every word and countered what he could when Stiles stopped to let out quiet sobs. But then Stiles said, "And I don't know what to do now that you've kissed me. I know it was a spur of the moment thing and all but it just sucks that it had to happen then, and with everyone watching. And you probably regret it and..." Derek wondered if Stiles even realised what he was saying at this point but only briefly as then Stiles went on with, "I'm sorry, you're probably disgusted." And Derek nearly yelled, "fuck that!" before reigning himself in and trying to get Stiles' attention.

Monster. (Sterek)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat