⚜️Chapter Twenty-One: Sorry Doesn't Cut It⚜️

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Derek and Spencer were out the door in less than five minutes after they found out where the Mikaelson house was.

Needless to say they were pissed.

They had called Hotch and explained the situation and they were also on their way to the Mikaelson house.

No one messes with Star.

They waited albeit impatiently until the rest of the team arrived.

Derek and Spencer were relieved when they finally showed up. They were surprised though when the first person out of the car was Penelope Garcia.

"Whose brain am I frying?" Garcia seethed as she walked over to Derek and Spencer.

"No one's. Yet." Hotch replied as everyone else exited the car.

In true Derek Morgan fashion the door was promptly kicked the door in.

The Mikaelsons jumped in shock.

Suddenly the two Original Vampires and the three hybrids were on their knees as Penelope gave them an aneurysm.

Hotch gave the colorful witch a disapproving look but made no move to stop her. Rossi looked amused as they groaned in pain. Freya was trying to stop her but it was if there was a mental shield on their minds. (And there was courtesy of our baby Jupiter)

Emily stepped over to the blonde witch and placed and comforting hand on her shoulder and Penelope stopped. She had a slightly sheepish look on her face as she saw their noses and eyes bleeding from the power of her spell.

"Who the bloody hell are you?" Rebekah asked as she slowly regained strength.

"Who we are is none of your concern. Just know that your presence is not welcome here and we kindly ask that you leave." Hotch said in a business like tone.

"Your Astrid's mates." Hayley said as she recognized Derek and Spencer.

"Yes. We are. You are the reason our mate is currently in the middle of an emotional break. It's better for everyone if you leave." Spencer said in distaste as he looked at the Mikaelsons.

"You have no right to command us to do anything! She is our daughter." Klaus seethed.

"Really? You certainly didn't treat her like your daughter. Do you even know anything about her?" they were met with silence. "Exactly! So don't claim that she is your daughter." Derek growled.

"You've been warned." Emily said as she walked out the door, no longer wanting to look at the people who caused her best friend pain.

"It's in Jupiter's best interest for you all to leave." JJ spoke with finality.

Once everyone had left the house Klaus and Hayley looked at each other, an unspoken conversation happening. 

They were more determined than ever to get their daughter back and apologize.


BAM! Another chapter down!

I'm sorry this one is so short but it's kind of just a filler chapter. 

The BAU threatened the Mikaelsons! They're very protective of Jupiter if it isn't obvious lol. 

The next chapter will be much better I promise. Life and writers block has been getting to me. I recently cut my biological mother and half siblings out of my life. I was being psychologically abused and for my own mental health I needed to cut them out of my life.

Anywho enough of the depressing part of my life on the day this chapter is uploaded (August 11th) I am now officially 19! It feels weird tbh, where the hell does time go?

Anywho, see you in the next chapter!

Anywho, see you in the next chapter!

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