Chapter Twenty-One- I Get Kissed Under The Mistletoe

Start from the beginning

He had always been more of a morning person than the rest of us, though. 

"Hey, merry Christmas, dad," I said to him, as I wandered closer to hug him. 

"Merry Christmas, kid," he replied. 

I didn't think he would ever stop calling me 'kid', despite me now being part way through my adult years. 

Regardless, I didn't really mind it. It was something that had grown on me over the years/ 

"Hey!" Violet exclaimed then, as she began to head down the stairs. 

Her hair was tied up into a messy bun, and she was still in her dressing gown. 

For Christmas, she had re-dyed the ends of her hair red, as she thought that would appear more festive. 

Originally it was supposed to be a brown-red shade, but it had ended up bright red. 

Violet had ended up mortified, but I thought it was a pretty cool look. 

She hadn't been all that amused, though, when I had joked that maybe we should now rename her Red. 

She simply stated that my jokes were worse than my father's. 

I thought that was an insult to him, so I wasn't about to tell him that much. 

"You guys didn't open presents without me, did you?" she asked then, with slight concern in her gaze. 

"No," I told her, "I thought that I should donate them to a more charitable cause, though, so they're all gathered in my room now." 

Violet narrowed her eyes at me, momentarily, but upon realising that I was in fact joking, she eased up a little. 

"Hey!" she said excitedly, then, completely disregarding my previous teasing of her, "It's snowing!" she stated. 

"Really?" I asked her, turning to glance out the window, momentarily. 

I unfortunately found that it wasn't actually snowing. 

Then again, I hardly expected it to be. 

I didn't think that we had a white Christmas in a long time. 

"You're mean," I said to her. 

She just gave me a wink, and then wandered into the living room. 

Soon after that, my mother began to walk down the stairs towards the both of us. 

"Hey you," she greeted me, and wrapped her arms around me for a moment, embracing me in her hug. 

She really did look beautiful today. She had braided her dark brown hair, and the green eye shadow, that she had chosen to wear for the occasion, made her eyes stand out a lot more than usual. 

"Good morning, mum. Happy Christmas," I told her. 

"Thank you, Selina," she replied. 

"Presents guys!" Violet yelled to us. 

I just smirked at that, and wandered into the living room to join her, as she began to sift through the present pile, which were perfectly wrapped in red, gold and green wrapping paper by yours truly. 

"These are all mine!" Violet said excitedly. 

I swear, she was like a little kid on Christmas, but I could hardly blame her. 

It was nice to see that some of that childhood excitement had crept into the adult years. 

She began to open them up, and found that she had been gifted new clothes, handbags, perfumes and makeup. 

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