Chapter 5

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Bella nearly fell down the last three stairs when she saw Jasper calmly sitting at the kitchen table with Charlie the next morning. "Hey Bells," Charlie smiled as she entered the room.

"Hey Dad," she said, "you're in a good mood."

"Something wrong with that?"

"No," she lied, shaking her head. Not wrong, just weird. This was all very, very weird. Then, she noticed the muffins on the table and coffee. "Did you make breakfast?"

"Nope, Jasper brought it by. You didn't tell me he was giving you a ride to school."

"Guess I forgot," she said, narrowing her eyes at the smug vampire sitting at her kitchen table looking like a statue of a Greek god. She grabbed a chocolate muffin and tore a piece off the top.

"Alright, well," Charlie sighed, taking his coffee as he stood to go. "You guys have a good day. See you at dinner, Bells. Good to meet you, Jasper. And thanks."

"Anytime, Chief Swan," Jasper nodded, standing as well to shake Charlie's hand. Bella's gaze darted between the two. This was so weird.

"What the hell was all that?" she scoffed when Charlie left.

"That was called manners," he said, a corner of his mouth quirking up in amusement.

"Not that. My dad. He doesn't usually like people. Especially new people. Especially new people of the male variety."

"What can I say? I'm a charming guy," he winked. "C'mon, grab your coffee. We're gonna be late."

"Next time you could ask if I want a ride to school. You're too pretty to be in my house," she muttered as she followed him to the door, forgetting his vampire hearing.

Jasper smirked and opened it for her with a bow. "Would you like a ride to school, Miss Swan?"

She paused and pretended to think it over. "I guess I'll allow it."

"Much obliged, ma'am."

When they got to the car, he opened the passenger door for her before climbing in himself. "So, why the sudden urge to drive me to school?" she asked.

"Oh no," he grinned. "It's my turn for questions."

She frowned. "I can save you some time. I'm not some secret mythical creature. Just regular old human."

"And that's what makes you so fascinating."

She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Indulge me," he said, though it seemed more like a challenge. So she met it as one.

"Fine. I'm all yours."

"Don't tempt me," he winked. He glanced back at the road, driving at a leisurely pace. For him anyway. "What's your favorite color?"

Bella choked out a laugh. "Seriously? I give you a free day of questions and that's the best you can come up with?"

"Alright now, I answered yours about coffins. You owe me some ridiculous questions."

She sighed heavily. "It depends on the day."

"Well what is it today?"


"Brown? You're kiddin' me. A whole world of colors and you pick brown?"

"You're the one that asked!"

"My apologies, you're right. Fine. Why brown?"

She eyed him warily before deciding to give him her explanation. "Brown is... brown is warm. I miss brown. Everything here that's supposed to be brown is covered in mossy green."

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