Chapter 22

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I really thought this would be the last chapter, but turns out that was just a lie I told myself. At least one more to come before we wrap it up. Enjoy & HUGE thanks to all who read, favorite, and comment!!

"Hey, if we take a picture, will you show up in it?"

Jasper smirked. "Haven't you asked me this before?"

"I don't remember," Bella shrugged, watching her classmates ham it up in front of the camera with all the over the top casino props.

"Yes, I will. Technically I'm dead, but also technically alive. I'm an astonishingly handsome enigma."

Bella grinned. "You forgot humble."

They stood for their picture, forgoing the props. Jasper swooped her up in his arms, the camera flashing and catching Bella mid-shriek. He carried her off toward the dance floor, ignoring her protests. He could feel her true emotions. Embarrassment yes, anyone could see that by the blush on her cheeks, but she was mostly amused.

There was a group crowded around the dance floor, watching two couples who may as well have been hired professionals twirl around the floor. Jasper scoffed. "And I'm the one that's gonna give us away."

Bella giggled softly, then waved back to Alice as she and Edward danced by.

"Speaking of," Bella whispered so low that only he could hear her, "human boyfriends don't carry their dates all night, broken leg or not."

Jasper frowned, trying to decide how much he cared about appearing human. "Let's go sit at one of those tables. You can get me a glass of punch or something. Isn't that what the guy usually does in all the movies?"

"Somethin' like that," Jasper chuckled, finally setting her down in a chair before placing a kiss on her cheek and heading off to find her a drink.

Bella took a minute to really look around at everything the prom committee had put together. Gambling tables, celebrity cutouts, roulette wheels, a DJ booth where she waved to Angela and Eric, and the refreshment tables, where she saw Jasper take two glasses and turn to make his way back over to her. She watched him, admiring everything about him, from his slightly unkempt blond hair to his black alligator boots. He had kept it more casual tonight than most of the other guys had. A black button down beneath a black suit jacket with black jeans. The only color was his silver bolo tie with a red stone set into the clasp.

He caught her eye when he was almost back at their table and smirked when he sat down. "Like what you see, Miss Swan?"

Bella blushed. "Fuck you," she hissed, again only loud enough for him to hear.

"Tempting, darlin'," he teased, handing her her drink, "but this is a public place and I am a gentleman."

Bella blushed harder and Jasper couldn't help but laugh.

She sipped what turned out to be ginger ale in a plastic champagne flute and rolled her eyes. "I can't believe you're making me do this. You really are trying to kill me."

"You're not having fun?"

"With you, sure, but this," she said, waving a hand at the extravagant theme night around them, "isn't really my thing."

Jasper heaved a dramatic sigh, "Thank God, let's get outta here."

Bella laughed lightly. "What?"

"Alice told me I needed to take you to prom 'cause it's some rite of passage or something, but I've been to a ridiculous number of these and they're all pretty much the same. I've just been waiting for you to throw in the towel."

He was already on his feet, holding a hand out to her. "Unless you want a lecture from Mr. Perfect about the joyous wonders of experiencing all things human, I'd suggest we make a run for it before his all-knowing pixie bride can stop us."

Bella looked from his hand, down to her cast, and back up at him again. "I don't think any running will be happening with this thing slowing us down."

"Not to worry, darlin'," he grinned, lifting her into his arms again and heading for a back exit at a slighter faster than human speed. Bella shrieked and laughed as he jumped a low hedge to get to the parking lot.

Neither saw Alice's grin as she watched them make their getaway.


"Shut up," Bella gasped as he gently lowered her to the ground beside his motorcycle. "Is that yours?"

"One of them. I had Emmett bring it. You did say if we made it through Phoenix you wanted a ride, right?" he said with a grin.  "1978 Harley Davidson. Bought it brand new and she's been loyal ever since.  Ready?"

Her heart was racing, but she nodded.

Jasper studied her face, fitting a helmet over her dark curls. "Nervous or excited?"

"Can't you tell?"

He shook his head, straddling the bike. "It's like a tug of war between the two."

"Because it is," she admitted, eyeing the motorcycle. "So how do I..."

Jasper solved her problem and lifted her up, settling her between his legs. "Comfortable?" he asked, that stupidly adorable smirk on his face.

She shook her head.  She was pretty sure he'd made her blush more tonight than she ever had in her life. "You're impossible."

"I prefer incorrigible," he said, fitting something warm and soft around her shoulders. The smell of worn leather and Jasper's scent filled her senses. Immediately, she put her arms through the vintage jacket's sleeves and hugged it to herself.

"You're not getting this back this time, I hope you know."

He winked. "Looks better on you anyway, darlin'."

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