Chapter 19

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Thanks for the comments guys!  Hopefully the beginning of this chapter (or the rest of it) doesn't disappoint!  This section wrapped up faster than I thought it would, but I hope you enjoy in spite of the shorter length. Longer chapter to come. Cheers!

"I was just telling Bella how much you'd enjoy our little film, but here you are to see it live."

"I've thought long and hard about all the ways to kill you, slowly and painfully," Jasper hissed, applying pressure to James' throat before hauling him up by the lapels of his jacket, "but you talk about her again, an' your tongue will be the first thing I cut out."

Bella watched as Jasper threw James across the studio, sending him crashing into one of the mirrors, shards of glass spinning along the hardwood floor.

Jasper wasted no time getting to Bella, pressing his lips to her forehead in a breathless kiss. He didn't dare breathe so close to her while she was bleeding. He needed to stay focused. Get her out and safe then he would find James and kill him.

He went to jump up to the balcony, and the exit door that was there, but no sooner had his feet left the ground then a hand wrapped around his ankle and yanked him back down. He lost his hold on Bella and she crashed to the ground. He heard her scream as she rolled into the glass that littered the floor. In the second he turned his head to find her, James hauled him up and threw him into the air, shattering a skylight window. Jasper pulled himself up onto the ledge in time to turn back and see James sink his teeth into Bella's wrist.

The growl that left his throat was more animal than man as he leapt from his perch and crashed into James, tearing up floorboards as they wrestled against each other. They got to their feet and Jasper punched him across the jaw before pinning him to the wall. "Now what's your plan, Major?" James spat. "If she survives this, how long do you think it will take until she finds out all you've really done?"

"If you know so much about my past, then you know you ain't walkin' outta here alive," Jasper said, his voice as dark as his eyes. James didn't have a chance to respond before Jasper flipped him around, locked one arm around his neck and used the other to tear the other vampire's head off.

He tossed it to the side and dropped to his knees with a groan. He could hear Bella, crying out and gasping in pain. But he could also smell the blood. So much fucking blood. Sweet and warm... He shouted and slammed his fist against the floor, gauging another hole in the wood, trying to reign in the monster raging inside. He could do this. He had to help Bella. He could. He could...

"Oh God, Bella!"

Alice's voice rang out and Jasper closed his eyes in relief. "Carlisle!" she called to their father, and he heard footsteps rushing toward her and, surprisingly, to himself.

"Jasper," Emmett's voice reached his ears. "You okay, man?  You hurt?"

"No," he ground out, eyes still shut tight as he tried to focus and breathe as little as possible.

More footsteps, light but quick, and a small hand on his back. "Jasper," Alice said softly. "Bella needs you."

"I can't," he groaned, digging his fingers into the floor, "if I move I might..."

"Hey," Emmett cut in, "you told me a vampire's not dead until we burn the pieces, right?"

Jasper's eyes flashed open in an instant. "Right."

"Focus on that. Bella's not safe until this asshole is gone for good. So let's make ourselves a little tracker bonfire, huh?"

Jasper slowly made his way to his feet, then stood over James' head, staring down at his bright red eyes. He turned back to Emmett and Alice. "Grab the floorboards."

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