Chapter 23

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Presenting the final chapter! This story was so so fun to write, I hope it was fun to read. I never planned on taking it this far, but I'm in too deep now and have a New Moon installment planned, so stay tuned for Wayward Son to come out soon. Thanks for the votes and comments everyone! Until next time!

"What the..."

"What the fuck...?"

Jasper slowed the bike to a stop near their spot by the river to find a blanket spread out surrounded by candles, while more candles in small mason jars and lanterns hung suspended from tree branches above.

Bella gaped, looking in awe at the scene before her. "Did you..."

"No. I wish I could take credit for this, but it wasn't me."

Jasper swung his leg over the back of the motorcycle, then helped Bella off. They headed toward the blanket, noticing there was a picnic basket too. On top of it was a note with very familiar swirling handwriting.

"Bella deserves a magical night, even if you two decided to bail on actual prom. Don't forget to eat either, you left before the dinner was served. Have fun! ~Alice"

Jasper chuckled. "I should've known."

"This is incredible," Bella said softly, cradling one of the mason jars in the palm of her hand. "How did she do all this?"

"I've learned to not ask questions," he said, pressing play on the CD player he found. The familiar sound of Aerosmith's I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing began to play. He smiled and turned to Bella, holding out his hand.


"Dance with me, darlin'."

"Please tell me you're kidding," she scoffed. He only winked at her. "You're not kidding. Jasper, not only have we established the fact that I am a complete and total klutz, do you see this cast?  How the hell am I supposed to..."

Before she knew it, he had her standing on top of his own feet, his arms wrapped securely around her waist. He kissed her cheek and said softly, "Just like this."

She smiled up at him warmly before wrapping her arms around his neck and laying her head on his shoulder. Jasper swayed them back and forth as the song continued, eventually singing softly sling with the lyrics.

"I don't wanna miss one smile
I don't wanna miss one kiss
Well, I just wanna be with you
Right here with you
Just like this," he sang, his lips brushed against her ear, and she pressed a kiss to his cold neck, letting her eyes drift closed as she continued to listen, lost in the moment just as the song said.
"I just wanna hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And we'll stay lost in this moment
For all the rest of time..."

He dipped her back and claimed her lips with his in a searing kiss that left her breathless.

They finished their dance and lay on the blanket while a different song began to play as they gazed up at all the lights in the tree. Jasper wrapped another blanket around her so she wouldn't get cold before pulling her against his chest. She sighed, idly playing with his tie. "Jasper?"

"Yes, darlin'?"

He felt her grin before she asked, "How many questions do I get?"

He chuckled. "How about you get ten if I get ten?"

"I don't need that many. Not tonight anyway."

He ran his fingers through her hair, happy there was no residue from Alice's overzealous use of hairspray. He loved how soft Bella's hair was. "Go on then," he murmured, kissing the top of her head.

"Why... why'd you save me?"

Jasper froze, a frown carving into his features. "What're you talkin' about?"

"When James bit me, you could've let the venom spread. I could've been like you now. We could have forever. Do you not... is that not what you want?"

He tilted her chin up so she could look him in the eye. "I want you forever an' a day. No amount of time with you will ever be enough. But I couldn't make that choice for you, darlin'. I had someone make it for me, and I won't do the same to you."

"What if... what if it's what I want?"

Jasper sighed. "It's not a decision to make lightly."


"Please, Bella, listen," he said, sitting up and pulling her up with him. "Until I met you, my immortal life was one of constant misery. Meeting Alice and the Cullens helped, but... I still..." he sighed and shook his head, holding her hands in between his. "I wanted the life that had been taken from me. And you have given me back a piece of it. Love. Hope. I won't take that from you."

"You've given me those things too, don't you see?  I want them forever."

He smiled, leaning his forehead against hers. "Forever with you would be a dream I thought was lost to me for good. But this can't be my decision, darlin'. It has to come from you, and you have to promise me to give it some real thought. Ask my family about their transformations before you make your decision. I want you to know what you'd be givin' up."

"I promise," she nodded. "But... there's a lot I'd be gaining too. Besides, I know Alice saw it happen."


"I heard her. I also heard you call yourself a monster, and you're not. I never want you to think that again, alright?"

He couldn't meet her gaze. "You don't know what I've done."

She placed her warm hands on either side of his face, turning him back towards her and kissing him. "It doesn't matter."

He opened his mouth to protest, but she kissed him again, stealing the argument from his lips.

"Even if you decide to tell me everything one day, it still won't matter. I love you."

"I don't deserve it. But I love you too."

They kissed, under the flickering lights of the candles above, under the starry moonlight sky, and...

Under the blood red gaze of a vampire bent on revenge.

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