Chapter 2: Investigations to the unknown. Threat of an unknown enemy. Part - 2

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Third point of view

Date: April 7, 20XX

Location: University Plaza.

45 minutes later...

Time: Frozen

Getting to the plaza, Samuel rested his hands on his knees to take deep breaths to calm his racing heart. He couldn't stop running until Samuel had made it to the plaza on time, leaving him breathless and out of stamina. Samuel was being observed from a distance as a male with short black hair and a business suit could be seen using binoculars.

???: The target is here.

???: Hmph. He better have. Or else he would have wasted my time.

Samuel looked up and could see Scarlett and Katy's bodies up at the top of the flagpole.

Samuel: Scarlett! Katy!

Samuel lifted himself up to run to the flagpole, but the ground lit up for a second to create an ice wall in front of him.

Samuel: Ngh...!

???: Well, well. Guess you showed up after all.

Hearing a voice above him, Samuel looked up towards the flagpole. When it should've just been Scarlett and Katy, there was a third person on top of the actual pole now.

Samuel: I'm here now. You can stop using my friends as bait to get me here. They have no part to play in this. Let them go.

The voice began to giggle as she began to reply back to me as if my statement fell on deaf ears.

???: That wasn't why I brought you here. Albeit slightly the reason that is.

Samuel: Huh?

The talisman in the enemy's hand lights up as she yells down at Samuel.

???: I'm going to show you what happens when you play with a woman's heart! You cretin!

Samuel looked up at the woman and blinked a few times in confusion.

Samuel: W-Wait... What?

The enemy throws her talisman at Samuel as it begins to light up more. Samuel ran to the side as the impact zone was set ablaze in fire. Samuel looked to see how big it was as he could feel the heat brushing against his skin.

Samuel: (Okay... She isn't playing around anymore... Shit... Also, did she really have to call me that...?)

Hearing another projectile being thrown, Samuel began to rush out of the area of the blast.

Samuel: This is so unciviliiiiiiiiiized!!

???: Grrr! Stop dodging you cretin! You're supposed to be dying!

Samuel: I would rather be alive thank you very much!

As more attacks are made, the enemy Summoner sweats at the whole scene.

???: Jeez... Can't she take things more seriously and NOT blow everything up...?

For a few minutes, Samuel had to dodge and duck around projectiles being thrown at him as one of the projectiles was thrown at the ground in front of him. An ice wall gets created and soon two more to block the way out of the plaza and to keep circling around. A pair of feet landed down to the ground as Samuel faced towards who it was cutting off his exit.

Duel Summoners: Rise of the Nexus (Old version)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang