7: Sister Knows Best

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Lily Clyborne doesn't approve of her older brother's antics. She never had. Not when he plagiarized an essay in the tenth grade, not when he cheated at his football game by using his powers on the ball, and not when he suddenly decided he was into boys.

Alec calls her a hypocrite for that second one because she uses her abilities more often than he. That's simply not true. Alec willingly throws magic around while Lily has no choice. People listen to her even when she wishes they didn't. There was that awful instance when she was younger and made the mistake of asking her father where babies come from. That one time when she made a joke about pedophiles and ended up getting her teacher arrested. (She doesn't joke anymore.)

The main issue Lily has with her brother are his priorities. Or, rather, the lack thereof. He puts hundreds of hours towards sports but has declined the scholarships. He spends his time telling her how she shouldn't use her manipulation on her friends while he goes around pining the kid playing Coach Bolton against bathroom walls with his telekinesis.

He needs a plan, that's what Lily always told him. Something of purpose so he stops sulking about how his life has no meaning.

Lily had a plan. Keyword: had. Alec went and ruined it with his infamous sexuality.

Her plan was to carry on the family legacy. Marry a loving husband, have four kids, become a famous Broadway or TV actress. Perhaps a radio star with millions of adoring fans.

Lily's plans for Alec were quite similar. Marry a beautiful wife, have however many kids they could handle, become an NFL player. But no, because apparently he's not sure if he wants to marry a man or a woman, or if he wants to marry at all. Unless Alec's kids are biological, they won't carry on whatever mysterious genes they both hold, which might not happen if he goes and weds a guy. Sometimes he says that he doesn't want kids at all, which Lily finds absolutely absurd.

He's the mysterious football captain with the tragic backstory of depression. The guy everybody loves. The guy Lily cannot stand, bloodline be damned.

And now he's gone and found himself a new loverboy. Jake Yazzie, the kid all the other straight girls in theater whisper and giggle about. He's tall, tan, and strong.

Lily knew she couldn't let him and Alec get together. It didn't go with her plan. And Alec would follow her plan. Freewill didn't matter to Lily. She could have anything she ever wanted in a manner of sentences, and she wanted Alec to be happy. Because Lily believed helping out would make him happy in the long run.


A/N: Hey, guys. I am very sorry for not posting in roughly an entire month. I haven't been particularly busy, I'm just lazy.

So... Lily. What do y'all think of her? This is a very short chapter but the next one will be normal length.

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