2: The Boy in the Bathroom

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Before I get into this I would like to clarify that it was not my idea. Lily asked me to come see her first practice for some musical she's doing, - apparently it was significant that she got the lead role considering she's a freshman, - and Lily can be very persuasive at times.

Maybe "persuasive" is an understatement. When Lily asks you to do something, you have to comply. There isn't a second thought running through your mind, just the overwhelming desire to please her. That's her ability, as our mother calls it.

I call it a burden. For Lily, her power can be used in broad daylight. She can ask people to do her homework, give her free food at a restaurant, or even get the lead in a school musical.

Me, on the other hand? No. Just no. My ability, telekinesis, sounds amazing. I don't need to stand up to get anything. I can just flick my wrist and suddenly the car is driving itself down the road.

The main difference between Lily and my powers, though? She can use her's whenever. I cannot. If somebody saw me magically lifting a chair off the ground without laying a single finger on it, they'd probably call the police. Or go insane. Either way, it would be bad. So I have to keep my power - burden, if you will - a secret to the world.

I'm sitting in one of the uncomfortable auditorium seats watching some underclassman standing in a circle on stage. They all have red booklets and are scribbling things in them. Music is playing through the speakers. A song that I don't recognize. Lily does and she's belting along to it while other students laugh at her.

I don't really know why she wanted me to come. It isn't necessarily boring but I'm not exactly having the time of my life.

I stand after awhile, making my way to the bathroom. I don't actually have to use it, the music is just getting really annoying.

The door clicks behind me and I lean on the sink. The mirror is blurry and it makes my face all twisted up. Man, I really look like a mess today. I'm wearing my letter jacket in one-hundred degree heat because nothing else was clean and I didn't bother to comb my hair so it looks like I just woke up. I really don't know why so many people fuss over me. Maybe Lily told them all that I was attractive so now everybody just believes it.

I waved my hand above the sink and the faucet came on, some water floating up to flatten my hair.

I suppose that was my mistake. Not checking beforehand to see if I was alone in the bathroom.

Somebody behind me gasped and I whirled around, the water still running behind me. A guy was standing in the doorway of a stall. He looked terrified.

I gestured vaguely again and the boy was dragged across the floor by some unseen force and pinned against the wall a few inches up. With my burden, there is so specific motion I have to make. I just think about what I want to happen but I kind of have to move my fingers around for it to work properly.

I step up to the boy. He's shorter than me, mousy brown hair, Native skin, and green-gold eyes that are wide open. Was he wearing lipstick? Yes, stage makeup. I don't know why he was so scared. All I did was turn the sink on.

"Hey," I said, putting my forearm across his throat but not pressing hard. "What's up?" Yeah, okay, maybe I have a bit of a flare for the dramatic.

He whimpered slightly, gaze flicking between the faucet, my now wet hair, and my eyes. He didn't say anything, though.

"Whatever you just saw didn't happen, right?" I asked.

He shook his head slightly and I pressed harder against his neck. I repeated myself.

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