"Angel!! Stop it already!!! He's your brother!!" Mum yells

"Hm, brother by foot!"


(Jake cuts in) "It's alright mum,you don't have to yell at her. I get it,I won't talk to her anymore if that's what she wants."


(Mum sighs) "Please don't fight with your brother Angel. You know I don't like seeing you two fight."

"Mum, just forget about it. I don't want to talk about it anymore."
(They all keep quiet till they get to school....the car stops outside Angel's school)
"Ok, have a wonderful day sweetie."

"You too mum" (Angel says without looking back).

(Angel walks to her class where Charlie was already waiting for her)

"Hey babe!" (Charlie says).


"What's wrong?!"

"It's nothing, just not really in a good mood right now!"

"Oh, how about I fix that for you!" (Charlie tries to kiss her but she stops him)

"I'm not in the mood Charlie!" Angel yells


"Yeah! Just leave me alone!"

"You know,I don't get you. Sometimes you act like you're into me and other times,it's the opposite."

"It's not like that Charlie,it's just...."

(Charlie cuts in) "Just what? Cos that's what it looks like to me!"


(Charlie cuts in) "It's alright,you just need to be alone. I understand."

"Thanks! I'm really sorry."

"It's cool." (Charlie walks away. And almost immediately, Courtney and Alexa walk in).

"Hey girl!" (Courtney says).

(Angel starts to cry).

"What's wrong Angel?!" (Alexa says).

"Everything's just messed up for me. Nothing's going well for me,I just found out that exams are starting next week."

"Well yeah,they announced it in our class."

"But not here,luck isn't on my side at all (Still crying). I'm so sorry for blaming everything on you, please let's be friends again."

"Oh come on Angel. We can never stay mad at you for too long.... we're sorry too. We should have just told you gently as friends instead of just putting everything on you. We love you!"

"I love you too!" (They all hug each other).
Bell rings.........
"Ok,time for class. Gotta go, we'll meet in the cafeteria right?!" (Courtney says).

"Of course."


"Bye guys...."  (Class starts)
Some excruciating hours later.........
Finally....(Angel rushes to the Cafeteria)
Hey guys!

"Hey girl, feeling better?!" (Alexa says).

"Well,a little. So where's Eric?!"

"Oh, he decided not to sit with us. He said you didn't want to see him or talk to him."

(Angel sighs).

"So, how's your relationship with Charlie going? Is it still your plan or are you for reals with it?!" (Courtney asks).

"Well, I'm not even sure. The thing is,I think I'm falling for Charlie again. I don't know why but I am."

"Wow! So no more Eric?!" (Alexa says).

(Angel sighs) "I....I don't know. I'm so confused right now."

"Well,we respect your decision no matter what. Just be careful,ok? I don't trust him one bit!" (Courtney says).

"You sound like my brother."

"You wish."

"Uh what?"

"Never mind."

"Eric is a nice and cute guy,but I don't think I'm good enough for him. Especially after all I did to him."

(Alexa and Courtney both giggle).

"What's so funny?!"

"You wouldn't want to know."
(Alexa smiles).

"Oh come on,tell me!"

"Well,we think Eric likes you!"

"Uh what?"

"Yeah! Cos anytime he sees you with Charlie,he starts acting weird."

"Wow! I don't even know what to say. I feel so......"

"Guilty?!" (Courtney says).

"Well,you could say that."

"It's not too late to apologise to him you know." (Alexa says).

"Apologise?! I apologise to know one! I'm Angel!!"

"But you apologized to us!"


(Courtney cuts in) "Then what's the difference?! Come on Angel,you can do this. He's really hurt right now, just look at him. He's alone,no one to talk to."

"Ok ok,stop making me feel guilty. I guess I can apologise,i do miss him too."

"Awwww" (Alexa and Courtney both chorus).

"It's alright, don't aww."

"Fine, just go talk to him!" (Courtney says).
(As Angel was about to go to him.....Bell rings)
"Arrrgh!!! Bad timing bell! " (Alexa says).

"It's ok guys, there's always a next time."

"Well,ok. Gotta go!" (Courtney says).

"Yeah, me too. See you after school!"
(They all go to their respective classes and class starts..... again).

    So, another chapter completed. What do y'all think?! Wow,I didn't even know Angel could apologise to someone! Oh,I did... I wrote it. Silly me😅! If you have any suggestions on what the next chapter should be about, please let me know in the comments.
     To all my readers and voters, Ilysm ❤️.... please don't stop showing love. Stay home and stay safe 🙏.
   Till next chapter 😉.

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