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Why did I wear this jacket.. why its ended up being a warm day which isn't the normal for April.. charging around feeling flushed isn't helping either.. heart pounding, sweaty hands. Readjusting my peach and white striped t shirt. The clonking sound of my heels hitting the concrete made me feel like everyone is going to know I'm on a date.. well I think it's a date or is it a catch up.. if I don't know is he going to know? What if he sees me and walks away? What if he doesn't like me? What if he is disappointed?

Rounding the entrance to the pretty glass cafe which Is lined with beautiful tall sunflowers which stand above so many colourful flowers.. it's so beautiful here, peaceful too with a few people already sitting under the roof sails.. smell of coffee and fresh pastries.. soft music in the distance, anxiously standing by the lake under the pale blossom tree.. the music seemed to trail across from a doomed stand where a young girl and boy where playing what looked like a flute and a harp.. two very different instruments but blimey it's lovely sound. A few people gathering around them.. kids running around like loony's playing IT, stuck in the mud..

Checking the time he should be here any minute, gingerly glancing around he wasn't anywhere to be seen, doubt set in has he seen me and left.. on my god how embarrassing!
Taking one more shuttle glance while wiping my clammy hands together.. there he walked holding his phone.. relief filled my body, relaxing with a slight cock of the head he stood still, they anxious expression that I had too went. Our eyes locked his steps got quick towards me. His smile, the smell of his aftershave ..

"Hey.." is all I could manage to say.. my mouth was dry like sand paper
"Fancy seeing you here"
"Yeah fancy that.." like two school kids we stood staring at each other
"This is odd.." he said as he shoved his hands in his pockets
"A little... so are you?" Pausing incase it was just by fluke they both there
"Mr Chuckles??"
"Yeah.. " giggling with shock was they both stood there
"But how? I meAn we just had breakfast together how have we not stumbled"
"Letters were secret right? No details that's how.. coffee?" Looking back to the cafe
"Yes... yes" we walked side by side and I couldn't believe it.. his dimples, his eyes seemed brighter than normal.

"Morning guys" a young waitress greeted us
"Morning.. table for 2 please"
"Please.." Charlie took the lead to a table in the corner on the patio.. the light breeze was perfect, least my hair won't end up being a mess.

"Bit different compared to this morning" he joked as the lady handed the menus
" Well you know thought better make an effort"
"You look good" his eyes stayed at the menu
"You scrub up well too.. no gym top or shorts at all"
" Hahaha no none at all for a change"

The laughter and chat flowed from how the letters ended.. even though we have seen each other it's like a new chapter.. a new friendship


"Jayne I have to go now I will call you later.... Jayne I will call you later on..... no I didn't promise him I said I would discuss it with you....... my plans? What for gym?... you don't need to know any of it.. Ex wife Jayne ex wife... okay look you need to calm down I'll call you later..." ending the call yo Jayne I was hot, wound up, uncomfortable in these clothes.. I'm gym shorts and tshirt not chinos and a polo top..
"Shit I'm late" rushing round the corner trying to keep calm and not over think this all.. it's a meet not a date.. what if she don't like me or even worse what if she is a weird one... a stalker... oh Jesus whAt have I got myself into..

There she stood holding her brown jacket in a light coloured top. Her hair was tied up in a curly pony tail.. heart slowed down and I couldn't feel any happier seeing it was Lucy.

Her smile was infectious and I couldn't believe it was her... trying myself stay calm be cool you got this.. she seemed shocked as I did too!

"Hey.." she mouth twitched at the edges, she fiddled with a bit of hair that fell
"Fancy seeing you here" is all I could say
"Yeah fancy that.." like two school kids we stood staring at each other
"This is odd.." unable to control my nerves I shoved my hands in my pockets, raising my shoulders
"A little... so are you?" I could her Pausing incase it was just by fluke they both there
"Mr Chuckles??" Trying not to be nervous
"Yeah.. " giggling with shock was they both stood there
"But how? I meAn we just had breakfast together how have we not stumbled"
"Letters were secret right? No details that's how.. coffee?" Looking back to the cafe
"Yes... yes" we walked side by side and I couldn't believe it.. the girl I just had breakfast with it feels different on so many levels

"Morning guys" a young waitress greeted us
"Morning.. table for 2 please" taking the lead
"Please.." following the young lady to a table in the corner on the patio.. the light breeze was perfect to try and cool me down.

"Bit different compared to this morning" i joked as the lady handed the menus
" Well you know thought better make an effort" she playfully spoke shrugging her shoulder ms
"You look good" without realising I commented what I was thinking. Idiot
"You scrub up well too.. no gym top or shorts at all" her tone was playful
" Hahaha no none at all for a change" just able to look up to her I said
"So what you fancy"
"Ummm... I'll have.... fruit smoothie and caramel shortbread"
"A smoothie?"
"Yeah they do the best here.. they put crushed ice in it and a drop of ice cream.. yum"
"So a milk shake.." playfully teasing
"No no no a fruit smoothie..." her smile was different.. Is this really the same girl..
"Okay... ready to order guys" the pretty young lady appeared
"Fruit smoothie and caramel shortbread... black coffee and a blueberry muffin please"
"What type of smoothie?" She asked
"There's options" directing it to Lucy the waitress looked puzzled
"Could I have the mixed berries with mango please?"
"Ohh please.."
"Great thanks guys" she left us staring at each other.. I can't explAin how different she seems.

"You'll be pleased to hear.. I booked my flights!" Knowing she has asked me numerous of times
"Wow you did it when you go?"
"August.. few months yet but it give me plenty of time to work on the expansion at the gym"
"That's brilliant... about time because you know I have been reminding you to do it"
"Yes yes I know I know..your list?"
"Yeah not bit lost on it if honest haven't we.."
"Kinda but I still have plans for you"
"Yep..... I cant believe "XLX" is you"
"Mr chuckles is you.." her eyes were wide

Letters between two lost people Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя