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"Tony Alright?" Charlie grinned
"Good yeah you okay? Rather chipper for a early morning start!"
"Ahh man I hit A session pretty hard.. felt awesome"
"Yeah good.. early then because it's only 7am now? What time did you get here?"
"Couldn't sleep so came here."
"Like you do.. coffee?"
"Yeah go on then.." leaning back in the chair feet on the desk Tony did a double take

"Okay what's got you so chirpy?" Tony pointed
"Nothing? Someone then.."
"Nothing just feel good"
"Liar who is she?" Tapping the mug with a spoon Tony joined Charlie at the desk
"So the board down stairs seems to been a success"
"Yeah Sophia was spot on there you know."
"Nice to see so many different letters... shows people are talking"
"Thats it.. you have a letter"
"No no I don't" Charlie laughed
"You do it's all over your face"
"Stop.. do you have one?"
"Can't say.."
"You have too"
"So you do?"
"Shit we haven't got each other have we" Charlie laughed loudly

"How you sign it?" Tony quizzed
"Mr chuckles"
"Pahahaha haha mr chuckles shut up lol"
"No" laughing, Tony wont admit how he signs his.
"Well I defo haven't got your letter... it's actually been really a eye opener that there are other people who are struggling with just as much as you are but for other reasons. "
"I know.. so dish the dirt on your letter? Male or female??"
"Female defo signs is XLX"
Tony just nodded with approval and said nothing leaving Charlie to carry on

"It's odd though isn't it that we are talking to these people who we could be sitting next to, standing next too or even spoken too and we haven't got a clue the letters are from them?" Charlie sat back and run his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah but don't you think that's the good thing though? We can say how you feel and not feel like your being judged.. it's easier to talk to someone you don't know.." Tony casually said as his focus was on his phone

"Yeah true... it's been interesting reads for me..... Ton..."

Slowly looking up from his phone Tony had a look of despair.

"Alright?" Leaning forward so his arms rested on the desk

"Yeah well that's confirmed.. my divorce is final it's done and completed" shoving his phone in the front pocket Charlie didn't react, was he meant to jump up and celebrate or down play it all and make out how awful it is going to be

"Are you okay bud?" Knowing the answer already

"Guess so.. that's final.. free agent.. single and ready to mingle!" He said those words but he did not mean any of them..

"Mate advise... take each day as a new day.. over time you'll see things differently... right come on let's get ready for the day! Slapping his hand against Tony's shoulder

Letters between two lost people Where stories live. Discover now