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Being followed by the other ladies in the office with their gazes I couldn't look at them.. slowly stepping towards Brian's office his door was closed but it was silent.

Knocking lightly on the door his voice called to go in. Anxiously taking a deep breath I knew questions would begin.

"Ahhh Lucy just the lady" he smile instantly
"Hi Brian"
"Come in close the door.. sit can I get you a coffee tea?" Starting speaking without coming up for air
"No no I'm fine thank you! I just wanted to say how sorry I am for not being in yesterday"
"Don't be its fine.how are you?"
"Sore feel an idiot"
"Don't be.. what actually happened?"
"Well my bike has broken.. so I decided to go for a run.. I just lost my balance at the wrong time as a car swung round me and wacked my arm"
"2 places"
"Where was you running?"
"Local on bridge lane. It was dark I wasn't wearing anything Hivis.. my fault"
"Hmmm well look I'll put you down as half days light duties" he scribbled on his pad
"No I'll be fine I can't afford to loose the pAy & anyway it's office based.. I'll be fine"
"Full pay and half days... actually I wanted to speak to you... as you know we have opening for senior office staff? I would like to offer you it?"
"Me?" Gasping
"But the other ladies?"
"I would like you to have first refusal"
"Wow... umm"
"Take couple days to think it over.. your work load will up"
"I know.. "
"Go home rest up.. think about the offer! Your a sensible and wise lady"

Hurrying through the reception I wanted to shout to the sky and tell everyone but I had no one to tell! Dad wouldn't be interested.. sister would only listen.. boyfriend what boyfriend.. haha so there was no one to tell.. a sinking feeling grew as the sound of my mobile rung

"Hello.... hey how are you?.... yeah good thank you... work is good actually yeah brilliant.... haha yep still got that bike.... I know we do.... when are you free? Today in an hour maybe?...... yeah go on then pick me up I'm just outside the school! Yeah our school no way it hasn't changed one bit... okay see you soon bye bye"


Hey Mr Chuckle

Sorry it's taken me a while to reply.. I hope you weren't thinking I was ignoring you? I haven't been around much lately..life has been crap, difficult if honest... I hope your okay? How is your son?
I'm not sure what I can say to you really in the advise side. But all I can say is that please don't be too hard on yourself because you are only human.. your son is your son doesn't matter if he's blood or not... you stuck around and that is the main and most important thing!
I don't think you should Blame yourself for anything because we all choose what path we take!
I saw an old friend today who I haven't seen for ages! He's amazing and I forgot just how great he is... I don't know if I said but I have two jobs just to survive!! So it's all work and no play for this girl!!
One of my jobs I got a promotion!! I can't believe it & as sad as it is I had no one to tell!
It's only a small promotion... office manager. I'm chuffed I got it.. can't believe it! So your the only one Ive told!

We all have demons that haunt our lives I really do believe that! We only have one life and I'm always here if you need a chat!

Great news about YOUR son!

Take care of yourself


Quickly sticking my letter up without anyone seeing.

Wiping the top of the desk boss man walked down the stairs

"Ahh your back!" His smile beamed boldly.
"Yeah sorry you got a replacement right?"
"Course.. but they weren't as good as you.. so all okay? Did you fix your bike?"

"My bike... you remembered" stuttering with amazement that someone actually listens

"Yeah course... did you fix it?" Asking with care

"No I haven't had time"

"Then how did you get here?"

"I walked"

"Walked? It's like 5 degrees out there"

"It's fine I have scarf, gloves and coat"

"Your arm?" Pointing to the cast

"Oh I broke it in two places but this due to come off in a couple weeks hopefully.."

"Okay good.. here take this.. ring a taxi to take you home.. it's dark when you leave & be -3 no doubt.." pushing £10 note to her

"I can't take that but thank you... is it okay if I go up to the office" trying to distract from his offer

"Yeah sure anytime.. right Bradley are you ready to play hard or go home?" He joked with this young lad who appeared to be just as scared as his expression painted..

"Hey let me carry that for you! I'm Craig" He offered

"Oh thank you.." allowing him, his blue eyes were bright

"And you are?" He cheekily asked

"Oh Lucy"

"Great.. there you go gorgeous!" He winked

Ignoring his comment I started to clean the office.. the cleaners haven't done A very good job and by the time I was leaving I knew it looked and smelt 10 times better!

The sharp wind was chilling as it whipped around the building, wrapping my scarf around and pulling on gloves. I saw my letter had gone.. when did that get taken, feeling excited & puzzled I set the alarm pulled the door shut and turned the key.. my legs instantly felt cold and I had a fair old walk to do. Slowly and nervous I walked towards the gate where a car was sitting with its headlights on! Just to avoid all eye contact I heard

"Excuse me miss are you Lucy?"


"Are you Lucy? I've been told to collect you after work and take you home"

"Who asked that?" Stepping closer, the old man seemed friendly but a little unshaven

"Boss man Charlie's here.. he said your bike has broken.."

With relief I smiled and said

"Yes please it's cold"

"Get in my duck, lets get you home"

Letters between two lost people Where stories live. Discover now