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Hi L,

You have no need to say sorry. I did think had I annoyed you on my previous letter.. but I knew you hadn't taken mine so something was up.. oh god really well I hope your okay now?

Also congratulations on the promotion that is an amazing achievement!! I hope you are feeling proud because you should be! With this promotion I would hope to hear to have a pay rise.... able to drop a job??
Haha I'm a firm believer that if you look after your employees the employees will look after the company!!

My son... he's being amazing! I haven't spoken to his mother yet, as long as I can put it off I will be! It will only get ugly! I'm his parent it's only natural I know to feel guilt!

I am a well established man who prides everything I do on what i have achieved because I got myself out of the gutter and got higher.. Im proud of this status and I want to protect my family.. well my son regardless if he is mine or Not..

Well if i do say so myself I think we should change the all work and no play because everyone deserves some fun!! Tell me what are the things you enjoy the most? What makes you laugh? What makes you smile? Write them down and do them! But I have a feeling you won't do them so how about you tell me them and I each week give you one and you do it all expenses paid on me!!! Don't disagree with me because I want to do this!! Plus this whole letter writing is great!

I'm sitting at my desk and it's busy here at work! I know I can't give you details which does make this hard to explain but I'm lucky enough to have some amazing staff members! Work is my life and like you work and no play so maybe I should change what I do? What do you think? But this is all I know.

So tell me do you have siblings?
I have twin brothers but they live in Australia.. sad to say that I haven't seen them in two years..
my parents unfortunately passed away a few years ago! As you know I have a step son and a soon to be Ex wife...

Take care

Mr chuckle


Dear Mr Chuckle,

I found your letter very amusing! I was actually having a very dark time and I remembered I had your letter in my pocket.. you know I actually look forward to getting your letters and writing back.. so I thank you for that!

what do I enjoy the most?... That's a tough question because I wouldn't say i can think of anything.. Is that sad?? It is sad isnt it?
Okay... reading.. Walking.. Running.. Drinking tea I love tea is that included in this whole thing?
I would like to learn how to box.. Kick box, self definse... be stronger... swim with dolphins.. Watch whales swim in their natural habitat... be driven in a fast car... (not any type - just fast) and wear a head scarf like Bridget Jones.. (I hope you laughed like I am)

Be able to design some shoes..

but I love the thought of being in a lodge in the snow watching it fall, a cozy fire and good food, good music and that is what would make me happy...
I hope these count even though 90% aren't realistic!!

I have a sibling... a sister... I miss her. She's sick so I miss her even though I visit her daily.. so I understand your worries and frustration!

My mum disappeared when I was 21 years old.. my father doesn't live he exists!!! Mainly drunk!

The desire to improve my life is stronger than ever and I'm trying not to let anyone ruin my plans.. I know I might not get to where I am but at least with this promotion I can look at dropping a job.

I don't know about you but humanity was restored with me this week! Someone did something very nice for me..someone I don't know & yet they chose to do something so kind.. and I plan to repay that favour back to another stranger! Be anything, be kind!

Tell me then why haven't you seen your brothers? What excuses have you got if any? They are your brother please try and make time to see them! Oooooo some warmth on the skin.. go warm your bones what I wouldn't do for that!

So you run your own company? Wow well yes if you look after your staff they will look after the company that is very true!! If you treat them more than just a number then you will definitely have their respect!!

Well your clearly wasn't meant to be then.. draw a line under it and just make sure your there for your step son!

Take care

Letters between two lost people Where stories live. Discover now