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It's about 5:30am unable to sleep so I ended up at the gym. Locking the door & switching on some of the lights. One after one they turned on & still there is that flickering one that hasn't been changed.. each lights did that ticking sound!

There on the board in the place I left my letter was as white envelope.. with Mr Chuckles on the front, written nicely and neat. Unpinning it from the board I headed to the office.
A feeling of anxious, excitement filled my body.. turning the kettle on I dumped my duffel bag beside the desk. Quickly ripping open the envelope I held this A5 white piece of paper written on both side in black ink. Very nice writing, small bit script like but softer. Must be a lady no man has writing that nice let's admit it.


Hi Mr Chuckle,

I hope my letter does fine you well and having an awesome week? Well I guess that depends what day your reading it because if it is the same day I left it then that is Wednesday! HUMP DAY which means we are getting closer to the weekend! But if your reading this any other day after then I guess your week has finished or even could be the start of next week.. and we all hate Monday's right???

Anyway, I found your letter interesting.. wise in fact... true!! No one knows what someone is going through! So agree don't judge..
It's refreshing to find someone who shares the same thought process.. I find myself thinking that even though I might be having a bad day, someone else is having far worse day but that moment in time no one else truly matters right? Harsh I know. But true!

I currently work two jobs, (that's no obvious info is it?) if I'm not working then I try and loose myself in a good book.. anything than having to deal or listen to complete rubbish.

Life I feel is laid out for us and even though our choices help provide the paths for us it is already pencilled in we just have to chose? But I'm well aware that some choices can turn badly and that is the consequence of them.. I'm not wise just sensible and learn from mistakes!... I like to think I do!!

I must admit I felt your letter showed hurt if I am honest? Frustration, anger too. But please don't take offence of me saying that!! Is there something you like doing that you can filter it out instead of harvesting it inside and letting it boil over.. control it i guess?

Anyway I hope I haven't gone on too much and bored you too much!

Take care of yourself


Charlie couldn't help but smile as he finished the letter, placing it down to the side of him. His mind trailed off to what he had read.. interrupting his thoughts the phone rung

"Hello...... look I told you I will sign the god damn paperwork...... when I get chance........ yes your right yes I am busy............ you said in the letter! However I am not the one at fault am I?...... what do you mean what do I mean? You know exactly what I mean!..... you said it... that's right....... no there is no one else but if there was why does that matter?? Haha no there is no one else.... why was you calling?........ why do they want to?.. okay I'll be there soon... I'm at the gym so I won't be long.."

putting the phone down & gathering everything together including the letter & made my way
Down the steps replaying what I had just read & couldn't help but think I wanted to write back but is it too soon? How days should I leave it? The morning light was glowing and dawn had begun.. there was a few more head lights that's hugged the road.. pulling up to the hospital it looked warm, inviting even but it isn't a proper hospital more like a rest-bite care centre. With a few cars parked up already I found my footsteps heavy. Pushing through the reception doors a pretty young nurse greeted me

"Are you Charlie?" Her white blonde hair was neatly tided up in a pony tail.. in her right ear she had four earrings.. her make up was flawless and she had walk as though she knew I would be checking out her perky bum.. okay she was pretty much right I am..but I am a man right?? What man wouldn't!

"Here you go?" She pushed through these wooden double doors to be faced with the dreaded ex wife

"About time Charlie!" She scowled at me
"Sorry I got here as soon as could.. so what's going on" I looked at the nurse
"They won't tell me"
"Tell you what? Tell us what?" Asking again
"Wait here the doctor will explain" she disappeared through another door then swiftly a doctor breezed through the double doors.

"Hi I'm Doctor chow.. right I would like you both to keep calm okay.. I'll take you in the room we have some news" he spoke softly and quietly

"No tell us now" Charlie demanded aggressively

"Please calm yourselves... come.." he pushed the door open and there sat was our kid, no tubes, no beeping machine, eyes wide open and a smile that I had started to forget..

His mother instantly weeped and held on so tight.. muttering thanks and it's a miracle!

Don't get me wrong it had that over cleaned bleach smell and shoes squeezed across the floors. Doctor Chow stood back and folded his arms, glancing back and fourth doctor chow was smiling, his round glasses appeared to be bouncing off his cheeks. The same nurse tapped my arm and did a little squeeze before saying

"You can go closer" she placed a clipboard on end of the bed before leaving us with Mr Chow who stood silently

"Charlie get over here" the ex wife demanded with anger. Nervous about going closer, unsure if I should..

"Charlie come on" she said through gritted teeth again

"Can I call you Charlie?" Doctor chow appeared even closer next to me

"Of course"

"Come with me... we will be back" he waved his hand for me to follow. He trotted down the corridor not speaking a word I just followed. White walls, grey floor and it felt like it had gone on for a very long time!

"Doctor chow where are we going?"
"Follow me.. just round here" he stopped and I found myself looking through glass walls

"You have a gym I hear?"
"Yes I do.." nodding like one of those nodding dogs in the back of cars..
"Good.. this is what will be best.. not here but your gym.. you are to guide you know what to do.."
"Doctor chow excuse my ignorance but these people are in rehab for loss of limb or back issues or due to operations.. I am a-gym owner not a therapist"
"I know but does your gym not have this equipment?" He pointed to various things
"Yes most of it"
"Right well then.. recovery is best at home not hospital " his English was starting to not to be as good as first thought.

"What are you asking Doctor?"
"Home is best recovery & you should not be so hard on yourself.. it's a long road ahead... you see John there in red shorts..." pressing his finger on the glAss

"Yes" I paused as watched this large muscly man who was learning to walk with one leg.. his arms were being supported as he held onto two long bars. He had a male nurse holding most of his weight from behind while a lady nurse supported from the front

"He is a runner.. amazing man. He had his leg removed because of accident and look at him now... we are waiting for his prosthetic leg to be delivered.... you see Samantha..." he pointed to a lady in a body harness with two nurses

"Yes." A slim, tall lady with red hair tied in 2 plaits.
"Samantha was hurt in a domestic fight.. awful sight it was but look At her now.. she is only at the beginning but wow amazing.."

"What's your point?"
"Do not let you guilt affect the recovery! Your a wise man you understand lets go back to your wife"

"Ex wife"

"Sorry ex wife.. feisty lady" releasing a slight giggle to his comment of feisty that's to say the least!

Letters between two lost people حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن