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"Evening.." a friendly voice that I knew and was pleased to hear. Charlie smile was amazing
"Evening.. okay?" My hands went instantly sweaty

"Yeah good thank you, been busy here"
"That's good though?" Asking a question which seemed to be a bit odd.. unable to stand still I lifted the plant pot from the desk to wipe under it. But it slipped from my grip into his.

"I got it.." noticing the jokey tone
"Sorry... quick moves check you out...thanks for yesterday and the other days" Lucy nervously spoke trying to avoid eye contact.
"Look it's no bother I promise" Charlie stood there in a black t shirt and grey shorts. His hair was slick back neatly. I felt like he was a prince and I'm Cinderella.. rich man poor women.. get my drift??

"You've got something in your hair." Lifting his fingers to the side of my face

"Oh god... glitter" stupidly wiping it more around my face like a complete idiot. Cheeks started to flush red

"Glitter? Do I want to know what and why?" He laughed slowly moving his hand & shoving in his pocket

"I was building a fairy's home with one of the kids"

"Isn't it summer hols?" Rocking back and fourth on his heels

"Yeah but we staff have to go in a couple days & sometimes they bring their kids."

"Ahh I see... how's your dad?" Tilting his head

"Getting there.. slow progress"

"Well he's only been home 48 hours right?"

"Yeah exactly..." folding my arms together I spotted a young lady behind Charlie staring at us.. not sure is she is a customer or staff.

"I should get on.." feeling awkward
"Of course.. any time you need help just say.."
"Thanks" lifting the cloth up in the air like I was morris dancing around the May pole. His eyes lit up as he flashed his crocked smile.

That was it I'm like a giggly child at school.. sweaty hands, pounding heart.. like it's my first kiss at school.. grew up Lucy you 34 years old seriously!
With the odd glance up to the office it was driving me insane.. needing a distraction I listened to my own music..
Okay it didn't cover the classes noise but it gather my thoughts and I stopped worrying just for that short space of time.. taking hold of the two black bin liners that were sitting beside the reception desk there was a letter for me.. gingerly looking around to see if alone I snuck the letter from the board.

Oh there goes the sweaty hands and beating heart with excitement of what can be in the letter.

Hiya L,

That's brilliant I'm pleased..
My list I'm still working on it... mainly because I don't know what write...
I hadn't thought of that actually.. I'll speak to him & see how he feels about it..
So that's afternoon tea done.. and yoga done... swimming with dolphins pencilled in with me in Australia right????

How's work?

It's pouring down today and it just makes everything seem darker... Dan woke up this morning clearly on wrong side of the bed.. he didn't want to get up.. felt bad just leaving him in bed.. I'm waiting for Jayne to give me a ear bashing soon..

Tell me something positive

Mr Chuckles


Hey Mr Chuckles
So sorry for the delay...

How's your son doing? Did you get grief from Jayne?

The plans to refurb?

Being Saturday I thought I'd take some time out while my dads councillor was here.. sounds silly but I found myself walking for a short while till I got to this gravel road that I remember as a kid.. riding my bike on it like a looney! It was odd the dust covered my sandals, the warmth was lovely but intense.. I didn't walk down it long but in the middle of the field was the same tree that we climbed at kids the farmer used to hate us doing it! He would chase us off.. it didn't look any different but probably bigger. It was clearly obvious I'm not as flexible as a kid and I couldn't get up as high but I did get to one the big branches... it was so peaceful... nothing but birds singing.. I couldn't even hear the tractor in the other field plowing.. I forgot how beautiful our country side is you know? The different coloured fields, trees, animals... sounds silly but I decided to start writing again.. (starting that book) i hope you have your publisher ready... at first I didn't what write about & I had your letter in my back pocket.. you were my inspiration!
I'm writing about us.. about this.. the letters... is that odd because I have no ending and I guess not much of a story either but us... this... it's changed me, helped me in many ways you wouldn't know.. but I promise I will change the letter details so not to embarrass you.. or me..
part me don't want anyone to know either.. but I want you to approve the draft!! I won't be offended if you say don't want it published... I'm getting ahead of myself...

So tell me what you been up too?



Hi L,

Sounds like an awesome memory to have and I'm pleased you managed to take that time out...

That's brilliant he's seeing a councillor.. but I'm here for you always!

Wow you've started the book.... my publisher at the ready!! I'm interested what the title will be.... but I will take you up on the offer of reading it before it's published and I promise not to make you change anything... tell the story but can I be renamed as ....... Jay..... Ben... Jaime..... Tom..... chris... go with chris but you could use Mr chuckles too..... I want to be described as a dashing, young man, tall dark and handsome of course!!!! It's nice to know someone thinks of me as inspiration... the letters?

So back to the list of yours?? Publish a book - pending.

Your amazing

Mr chuckles

Letters between two lost people Where stories live. Discover now