Chapter Fourteen- I Think She's Flirting With Me

Start from the beginning

"Hey Lina," she stated. 

"I'm going to go and get some drinks," Lance announced, and then headed down the hall and into the kitchen. 

I wished that I could have joined him. 

"That's a good idea. I might go and get a snack, too," Lina stated, and began to head further towards the kitchen, before turning back to Lily for a moment, "Are you going to get something?" 

"I'm not hungry," Lily replied, as she simply crossed her arms in front of her chest, and met my gaze for a moment, with that familiarly cold glint in her eye. 


"Okay. Well, I'll see you in a bit," Lina stated, and headed into the kitchen, in order to get herself something to eat. 

Lily just shifted the weight between her feet, and proceeded to move a hand through her hair, that had grown considerably, since the last time I had seen her. 

I supposed that she was using some crazy hair growth vitamins or something. 

I moved a hand through my own hair, then. 

It was getting a little difficult to manage, so I assumed that I would go and get a haircut sorted out, at some point. 

"You know," Lily said, as she stepped forward, then, "You have some really big eyes. They would be cute, if they didn't make you look like a bug," she commented, with a smirk of amusement. 

If this was her method of flirting with people, I was sorry to state that it wasn't working out for her very well. 

All the same, I couldn't help but feel nervous every time Lily moved closer to me. 

"Thank you?" I asked. 

"It wasn't a compliment, Cooper," she replied, with a roll of her eyes, as that mean expression reappeared on her face again. 

I really hoped that one of my friends would arrive at the dormitories, soon, just so that they could save me from this whole situation. 

I wasn't even sure what to say to her, but I wasn't about to think too much on it. 

Lily just sighed, and left me for the kitchen. 

In the meantime, I was joined by Winona. 

"Hey," she said, with a smile upon her face. 

I noticed that the jean jacket, that she was wearing, had some water droplets on it. 

I presumed it had started raining again. 

"Hi Win," I replied. 

"How are you doing, Selina? Any better?" she inquired. 

I just shrugged. 

"About as well as usual," I admitted. 

She gave a nod in response to that. 

"Right," she said, "So, I'm guessing the whole Lily thing is still sort of bothering you?" she asked me. 

"Bingo," I replied. 

I just wished that I understood her better. 

I wished that I could understand why she seemed to dislike me so incredibly much. 

"I wasn't always like this, was it? When we first got here, everything was fine. So, it's left me wondering, what changed?" I asked. 

Winona gave me a sympathetic expression in response to my question. 

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